Selena POV: He just kept tickling me. I couldn't breathe. "Ok ok. I love Justin Bieber!" He finally stopped. I took a deep breath. Then he kept staring at me. I smiled, "What?" "Your eyes are beautiful." I blushed. He is so sweet. He kept staring in my eyes. He started to lean in. I didn't know what to do, I froze. Then I felt his lips on mine. After a while I kissed back. I sat up without breaking the kiss. We heard the door open and saw Grace and Jeremiah. They didn't say anything, they only stared with shocked faces. I crumpled a piece of paper then threw it at them. They blinked, closed their mouths, and smiled. Grace finally spoke, "Oh. My. God. I knew you liked each other. It was just a matter of time before you guys get married, then have little Justin and Selena's, then grow old and die together, and your kids have kids. Omg I can't breathe." Jeremiah patted her back. She has a HUGE imagination. She's always talking about how me and Jay belong together and our fake wedding. Sometimes I would play along with her but she knew I was being sarcastic. "Ok Grace, you have a huge imagination. None of that will ever happen." "You say that now but just wait. That kiss can get you very far." Now this just feels awkward. "Lets play a video game!" Justin announced breaking the awkward silence. Justin and I scooted over so that Grace and Jeremiah can sit down. It felt so weird sitting next to Justin after that kiss. It's like I don't look at him the same. Ya know? I don't know if he feels the same but I think I like him. I mean Grace could be right. The way we act towards each other, we do act like a couple, just without the kissing part. "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" I looked to my left to see Jeremiah talking to Grace about what movie to watch. I stood up, "Actually I'm going to go home. I'll see ya'll tomorrow." I started to walk away when Justin grabbed my hand. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. "Are you alright?" "Yea I'm fine. Walk me out?" He nodded and we left. We got to the door and I turned around. "Ate you sure your ok? "Yea its just that after that kiss it's a little -" "Weird, awkward, different?" Well he took the words right out of my mouth. I nodded slightly. He sighed, put his hands in his pocket, looked down, and shuffled his feet. "Look in sorry. Just don't look at me differently. I just can't lose you." My cheeks heated a little. Oh my gosh, Justin. Why did you have to say that? I'm just liking you more and more. "What?" Did I say that out loud? Oops. "I got to go, bye!" I tan off to my car. I heard Justin yelling after me but I kept running. I hopped in my car and drove off as fast as I could.

BFF's Forever
FanfictionJustin and Selena are best friends. They have been from birth. This is a journey through their lives, ups and downs, emotions, fights, and last but not least love. They start off as friends then they will eventually gain feelings. Lets see how they...