Selena's POV:
I am furious. The police didn't even take me to the hospital, they too me to the police station. One of them took me to one of those room you see on crime shows with the all grey wall, yea that one, and now I'm just sitting here. "Hello! Can you people take me to the hospital?!" I yelled. I know they can here me. I'm not stupid. Just then, a woman in a suit came in and sat down across from me. "Hello. I am Officer Jones. I'm here to ask you some questions. I understand that you want to get to the hospital to your boyfriend but I can't let you do that yet.
You see, that boy almost died because of you." Hold the phone. Me? "How did he almost die because of me? I didn't do anything." I sat back in my chair and folded my arms. "Did you date River?" I narrowed my eyes. "Ew. No." She wrote something down, then looked back at me. "River says he has asked you out a great amount of times, but you refused. Is this true?" I sighed. "Yes that is true. But what does this have to do with River beating the crap out of Justin?" She nodded her head, writing something down, ignoring my question.
"And why have you turned him down?" She questioned again. "Because I don't like him. All he wants to do is get in my pants just because Gabby isn't giving him what he wants. I'm not a slut. I don't go around having sex with every guy I meet. Plus he creeps me out. Like, what 17 year old guy stalks people all day. He literally got his schedule changed just to match mine." I am beyond irritated. Why aren't they letting go? These questions have nothing to do with why I can't leave.
"Very well." She looked like she was thinking of more questions. "How about this, I have a question for you." I started. She looked at me shocked. She sure wasn't expecting that. She sat back in her chair waiting for my question. I sat up and put my elbows on the table. "First, What does this have to do with me leaving this place and going to see Justin? And second, How is River beating the shit out of Justin my fault?" She sat forward, in the same position as me. "First, We just need to ask you some questions about him being in the hospital. And second, I honestly don't know people are just blaming you." She shrugged on the last part. Why would people blame me?
"But your the police. You guys are all about facts." She nodded her head. "Yes, but not all of us. I'm not going to lie, I go off of what people say. But considering the fact that you are angry that your so called 'stalker' is making this up, I will let you go." Fina-fucking-ly! "Only on one condition." I looked at her funny. "What can you possibly want from me now?" I asked even more annoyed. "You have to talk to River." My mouth literally dropped. "Now I'm not saying you have to date him because you have a boyfriend but at least get to know him. As a friend. If he tried anything on you, you call me." She handed me her card. I looked at her name. Bethany Jones. Rivers last name is Jones.
Oh shit, that's his mother. "Your his mother aren't you?" Selena pointed at her. "Yes I am. And thank you for telling me all I need to know about my son." My mouth dropped open again. "your welcome, I guess. Can you take me to the hospital now?" She nodded her head. I put her card in my pocket as I stood up. She drove me to the hospital. When we arrived, my car was there. I turned to her with a questioning look. "We got some one to drop your car off. I'm pretty sure you wanted it."
I nodded my head. "Thank you, bye!" I ran out of her car. I ran inside to the reception desk. "Justin Bieber." I said frantically. It felt like she took forever to search up his name. She was more focused on that piece of gum in her mouth than me trying to get to my half dead boyfriend."He's in room 546 on the 5th floor." Well, no shit. "Thanks." I gave her a glare before I left. I ran to the elevator. I know I pressed that button about 1,000 times. Finally the door opened.
Then after another 4858546846 years, the door opened. I walked down the hallway looking for his room. When I found his room, I looked through the window. He looked so lifeless. He was hooked up to so many wires.
I can't go anymore. I mean, that I didn't have anymore Ideas for this chapter but I have to think more about it. This chapter is kind of stupid and has nothing to do with anything. By try to enjoy.

BFF's Forever
FanfictionJustin and Selena are best friends. They have been from birth. This is a journey through their lives, ups and downs, emotions, fights, and last but not least love. They start off as friends then they will eventually gain feelings. Lets see how they...