Author POV:
Justin had just arrived at the date site. As he led her, he covered her eyes. "Why did you cover my eyes?" She asked confused. He chuckled. "I already told you, it's a surprise." Once they got there he took his hands off her eyes. She instantly gasp is admiration. "I'm starting to this Grace really is psychic." She blurted out. Justin looked at her in question.
"Grace said that she predicted we'd get together and we did, then she thought she was psychic and predicted our date was at the beach and it is!"She jumped up and down like a little kid. Justin walked her over to the table, where the food is, and sat her down. They ate, talked, and laughed. When they were done, They walked along the shore, hand in hand. "You know Selena, I really like you." Justin started. "I really like you too." She smiled widely while blushing.
Justin had suddenly stopped. Selena looked at him in confusion. He got down on one knee and took out a small box which had a small ring inside. Selena instantly gasp and covered her mouth. 'Omg," She thought. 'He's going to propose. Were too young.' "Selena Marie, I have waited so long to call you mine and I set this up just so I can do that. I want you to be with me and only me. Selena will you be my girlfriend, with acceptance of this promise ring?"
She had started crying by then. She couldn't even speak all she could do is nod her head repeatedly. She was beyond happy. Then she had finally spoke, "For a second, I thought you were going to propose." She laughed nervously. She thought she was silly for thinking that. "No, were too young. Maybe in the future." He smiled down on her. She smiled and kept walking.
Selena POV:
Tonight was amazing. I still feel kind of stupid for thinking that he was proposing, like, what was I thinking? Then he said not now, maybe in the future. What is that suppose to mean? Is he going to propose to me in the future or not? I don't even care right now because that is a long way from now and I'm just going to enjoy what's happening now. After a while of walking and talking, he drove me back home. When we arrived he walked me to my porch.
"Justin, thank you for this amazing night. It was so fun and I will never forget it." I smiled up at him. He smiled widely at me. "No problem. I had the best time too. And I'm glad to call you mine." He grabbed my hand. I blushed a little. He then brought me into a passionate kiss. I instantly kissed back. We started to make out. My arms went around his neck, his to my waist. I heard the door open but I didn't care. We kept going. Then I heard someone say, "AAHHH! Get a room." We turned around to see everyone standing there.
And by everyone I mean, mom, Amber, Grace, Sophia, Ryan, and Andrew. Well, this is awkward. "Are you just going to stand there or say goodnight?" My mom asked. But it was kind of a dumb question considering that his mom is right in front of the door. I turned around, "Goodnight Justin, I had fun." He leaned in for a kiss but someone cleared their throat. They drag me inside and close the door waving at Justin. "Hey! What was that for?" I said to Amber. She raised her eyebrows at me. I looked at her confused. "Just go up stairs and get in something comfortable, tonight we're watching movies at my house." Well, I guess.
I walked upstairs to my room and changed in to some jogging pants and a T-Shirt, took off all that make up, and put my hair in to a pony tail. I walked back downstairs to see every one was gone. Well great, they left me. They couldn't wait. I left out and drove to Justin's house. When I got there everyone was there, like I suspected. "Finally, your here. You're choosing the movie." Grace said excited. "Well, as you all know, I love scary movies. And since I'm picking, I choose, The Visit."
Sophia then said, "What! No way! I am not watching a scary movie." "Why?" I questioned. "Is it because no one is here to comfort you when you get scared?" I laughed. She looked down and blushed. "I'm just kidding, but we are watching The Visit and I will comfort you." I smiled and sat by her. She laughed and hugged me. Then Justin came down with just about the the same clothes on as me, except my shirt was a different color.
"Awww. You guys aren't going to start that things couples do when they start matching clothes and stuff are you? Because that is so cheesy." Grace complained. I laughed. "I didn't know she was going to wear the same outfit as me." He defended. "Anyway, what movie are we watching?" He questioned, sitting next to me. "The Visit." I answered. He nodded his head. "Ok, I'm making the popcorn." Amber said. Then my mom said, "I'll get the blankets and movie."
They walked off after that. "So is anyone scared to watch the movie, besides Sophia?" Everyone shook their head no. Mom and Amber then came back with everything. They turned off the lights and put in the movie. Mom gave everyone blankets and we had a big bowl of popcorn on the table. When the movie started it was so funny. That little boy was trying so hared to rap but he couldn't. (A/N: Have anyone seen this movie. I did for my birthday and it was super funny).
Then on one part the grandma jumped in front of the camera and all of us jumped. "Oh shit." Andrew yelled. Amber and mom looked at him. I laughed. "Sorry." He said after they stared at him. And then this other part came on at the end when the old man took off his diaper and put it in the little boy's face. That made me want to throw up, like, that is so nasty. I'm so sleepy. Today really wore me out.
Justin POV:
I was watching The Visit with everyone. I thought this movie was going to be scary but it's actually funny. I felt a weight on my lap. I looked down to see Selena sleep. I started playing with her hair. She was adorable when she's sleep. I looked around the room and everyone was sleep except for me and Andrew. "Dude, everyone is sleep. What are we going to do? We cant bring all these girls upstairs." He put on a thinking face.
"What about we do your moms first then we come back for Grace, Sophia, and Selena?" I nodded my head. I got up, removing Selena's head from my lap, trying not to wake her up. I grabbed my mom while Andrew grabbed Selena's mom. "Take Charrlett to the guest room. You'll see which one it is. It has a pink door." He nodded. Years ago I had asked my mom why that one door was pink. She said it was because When Selena was a baby, she spent a lot of time over here so she just made a room for her. Now every time Charrlett spend the night, she sleeps in there.
Plus, she insists that we put her in that room. And apparently there's a blue door at Charrlett's house for me. I've never seen it but I don't really care either. After placing my mom in her bed I walked downstairs to get one of the girls. When I got here, only Selena was there, with Ryan on the floor. I guest I took too long. But, how did Ryan get on the floor when he was just in the couch? That dude sleeps wild. I grabbed Selena and made my way upstairs to my room. I put her in my bed then I climbed in next to her. She instantly scooted closer to me.
Oh, and did I mention that we have school tomorrow? Well, we do and I'm not ready to go. Why can't I be home schooled? The only reason I don't want to go is because of Jeremiah, Gabby, and being Selena's boyfriend. I'm not ashamed of her, it's just that I'm still a little hurt from Gabby and I don't think I can't handle her little side comments that she think people can't her, but they can! I mean, I really liked her but I love Selena.
I just don't know what to do. What if the whole school starts to talk when I walk in the door. Like, they saw everything that happened. But what if they feel sorry for me and through out the day they ask me am I alright or ok? I hate being the center of attention at school. But I guess I'm just going to have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
I am so sorry that I took so long to update it's just that I have no WI-FI at home and I have lots of responsibility to take care of. It's been REALLY stressful but I'm pushing through. And has anyone seen The Visit? I have and only a couple of parts made me jump but other wise it's so funny. I laughed the whole time. But anyway, here is part two. I hope you like it and have a good day tomorrow at school.

BFF's Forever
FanfictionJustin and Selena are best friends. They have been from birth. This is a journey through their lives, ups and downs, emotions, fights, and last but not least love. They start off as friends then they will eventually gain feelings. Lets see how they...