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Justin POV: I was in my room listening to music when someone opened mt door. I looked up to see who it was. It was my mom. "What do you want, mom?" She stared at me for a second then spoke, "Have you been crying?" I turned my music off and sat up. 'How can you tell?" "Your eyes are pink and puffy. You know you can talk to me, right?" I nodded. "I just don't want to talk about it. Is Selly here yet?"She didn't say anything but walked away. I was about to close my door when Sel walked in. I sat down ext to her on my bed. 

"You do have to talk to someone besides me. Especially your mom." I shook my head. "No, I don't." "Yes you do, Jay. You're already changing your attitude towards everyone. Talk to her, she'll understand and give you good advice." What do she mean 'changing my attitude'? I'm still the same. "How am I changing my attitude? I'm still the same." 

She shook her head. "Not your not Justin Drew! Your starting to talk to your mom with disrespect when she's trying to help. Don't change who you are just because of one person. There are lots of girls in the world that won't cheat on you. I just don't want you to shut everyone out and change cause I love you just for who you are." She kissed my cheek then left. I ran after her, grabbed her hand, and turned her around. "Thank you. you're right." She smiled and hugged me. 

I hugged back. We walked downstairs, in the kitchen to mom and Charrlett. I sat next to my and spoke, " Mom, I'm sorry for how I was acting and talking towards you." She smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "It's alright. Charrlett told me what happened. But you should have come to me instead of running off and shutting everyone out." I nodded. "Wait, how did Charrlett know?" I looked at Sel. She smiled and shrugged. We all laughed. I am so lucky to have everyone in my life. I don't need anyone else but these three women in front of me. 

"Hey, Sel, do you want to go play video games?" She nodded and got up. We left the kitchen and made our way to the game room. "What do you want to play?" She thought for a second then got excited, "I want to play Mortal Kombat!" I laughed. I put Mortal Kombat in the Xbox 360. "I'm going to win, just so you know." She  looked at me funny. "As if." I laughed at her comment.

1 Hour Later

"That's not fair!" I threw the controller down. There is no way a girl beat me in Mortal Kombat! "Ha! And you thought you were going to win!" She snickered. "I don't want to play anymore." I pouted. She laughed and ruffled my hair. Not my hair. "Hey, don't touch my precious hair ever again." She tried to do it again but I caught her hand. I started to tickle her. "S...T...O...P!" Sher said through laughs. "Say 'I love Justin Bieber!'"  She continued to laugh. "No...Never!" So that's how she want to play. 

I love playing the Xbox 360 and Mortal Kombat. 

Also I'm going to post the characters in the beginning so if you get this far go back to see the names. I made them up so they might be a little funny, I was trying to make them unique.

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