Realizing His Mistake

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Justin had woke up. He doesn't remember a thing. All he remembers is eating lunch then leaving to class with Selena. He felt a body attached to him. He thought it was Selena, until he looked down at Gabby. His eyes widened with surprise. He checked under the covers and both of them were naked.

"Morning." Gabby's voice sounded, scaring Justin in the process. He fell out of the bed. While on the floor he searched for his clothes.

"Are you ok?" Gabby asked. He looked up. He then stood up putting his boxers on.

"What have I done?" he whispered to himself.

"Did we have sex last night?" He asked frantically. Gabby smiled.

"Yea, we did. And it was amazing." She moaned out.

Justin covered his ears yelling, "La La La La La La." Gabby looked at him weirdly.
."What about Selena?! Where is she!?" He asked, more like yelled. Gabby furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why do you even care?! Yall broke up." She became really annoyed. Just last night he didn't care, and now he cares too much.

"What do you mean 'we broke up'? What did you do?!" He wasn't getting angry but very upset.

He doesn't remember one thing from after lunch and then he wakes up naked with Gabby in his bed.

"I didn't do anything. You called me. I denied coming because of Selena but you told me yall broke up so I came. And by the way, you kissed me." She crossed her arms.

"So this is all your fault." She rolled her eyes. She doesn't understand how he doesn't remember but we all know why ;)

"Omg, omg, omg. What did I do!? I fucking lost my virginity to you!" He yelled in frustration. Gabby was taken back.

"Well how was I suppose to know you were a virgin?! You definitely didn't seem like one last night." Justin growled at her. He didn't like the remarks she's been making lately.

"You know Justin, I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted you to be happy." By this time, she already had her clothes on.

She stared at him a second to see if he would look at her,but instead, kept his head in his hands, saying incoherate things. She sighed then left. She as she walked out the front door, she saw Selena.

Selena had red, puffy eyes. She had come to talk to Justin. She believes that she shouldn't have reacted the way she did because she knows it was his disorder. But it didn't keep her from feeling the way she did.

"What are you doing here?" Gabby asked her. Selena eyed her up and down.

"I should be asking you the same." Her voice low, and cracking. Gabby gulped. She didn't want to hurt Selena and she wouldn't believe her when she say it isn't her fault.

"I-I'll let Ju-Justin te-tell you." she said fast before running off to her car and driving vastly down the road.

Selena just shrugged her shoulders as she mumbled an ok. Since Gabby left the door opened, Selena walked in. Luckily Patties was at work so that she woukdbt hear their conversation. Selena knocked on his room door after walking up the stairs. He instantly stood up when he saw her.

"Um, why was Gabby here?" She asked. Justin was stuck for a moment, decifering in his head wheather or not he tell heft the truth.

"Um. Uh, I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. She eyed him. She knew he was lying but she didn't push it.

"Ohkay? Well I, um, came over to talk to you about yesterday." She started. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What was yesterday?" He asked. She looked at him weird. How could he not remember yesterday? She thought.

"You don't remember?" She asked. He shook his head.

"I don't remember anything after lunch. I'm so confused. Then I woke up to-" He stopped himself. Selena narrowed her eyes.

"Woke up to what?" She urged on. Justin scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.

"Does-does it matter. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my boring morning." He chuckled some more. She walked over to where he was standing.

"Don't lie to me Justin. Your a horrible liar so don't try it with me." She was right in his face. He was looking down at her. His breathing was uneven.

"I, um, I-I woke up to Gabby..." He stopped again. She knew he wasn't finished.

"Gabby what? I'm not stupid. Just tell me." She pushed.

"To Gabby, uh, in my bed naked." He spoke slowly. He was so nervous. Selena had her mouth open.

"What?!" She yelled. Justin finally broke.

"Ok ok I woke up this morning to find out that in slept with gabby and i left you and I thing thugs what happened yesterday and I'm so so SO sorry. I didn't mean to let it happen but it did and I don't even remember it." He dropped to his knees while Selena just stood there, shocked.


Ok so I didn't update just because I didn't feel like it. 😂i have had this and some more chapter in my notebook forever. and I have an idea of how the next couple of chapters will turn out and what will lead into the sequel. But this obviously sucks but thank god its coming tkt an end. And I'm pretty sure the sequel will be WAY better. But enjoy I guess 😂

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