Different Person.

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Selena was pacing around the hospital. She more than worried. She was confused, scared. She didn't know what to do. This is his second time in there in a month. 

"Selena honey, sit down." Pattie said. Selena stopped for a second. 

"I can't. It's all my fault that he's in here." She ran her fingers through her hair. 

"No it's not." Pattie said, trying to sooth her. 

"Yes it is. If I didn't start that argument then he wouldn't have gotten so mad then he wouldn't have blacked out then he wouldn't be in this hospital." She said frantically. Pattie pulled her arm, making her sit in the seat next to her. 

"It will be ok. He's going to be fine." She said. Selena laid her head on Pattie's shoulder. 

"I hope so." Pattie rubbed her hair. 

5 Hours Later.

Justin opened his eyes. His vision was blurry at first but it cleared up. He looked around the room. Nothing but white. He tried to sit up but his head started pounding. 

"Ugggh." He sat his hand on his head lightly. 

"Good your awake." The doctor said. 

"Shhh." Justin said. His ears was still sensitive. 

"Sorry." He whispered. 

"How are you feeling?" That's a dumb question. How you think I'm doing?, Justin thought. 

"My head still hurts." He spoke in a raspy voice. 

"I suspected. We'll give you some pain medication for your head, but other than that you will be fine." The doctor smiled. Justin gave him a thumbs up. The doctor walked out to talk to Pattie. 

"Bieber." He called out. Selena was sleep, so Pattie lightly moved out of her grip. 

"Yes." She said as she approached him. 

"Justin will be fine but we do have one problem." He said. She looked at him confused. 

"What is it?" 

"Apparently he has another personality. When angered greatly, this 'other person' will take over. When he is calm, he will be normal Justin but won't remember a thing. It's called Borderline Personality Disorder. The best way to keep this from happening is to not make him angry. Right now his 'other person' is out. He will be sarcastic and a little aggressive but nothing you can't handle, I'm sure." He smiled. 

All Pattie did was nod. She had no words. She was speechless. She kind of suspected it. 

"Okay, thank you. Can I go see him now?" She asked. 

"Yes, but whisper. His ears are sensitive and he's kind of irritated." She nodded. She walked off to his room. She knocked on his room door. 

"Come in." He said. She walked in on him watching TV with an ice pack against his head. 

"How are you?" He rolled his eyes. 

"Fine. Better than this morning." He said. She nodded her head. She sat on the edge of his bed. She ran her hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and laid his head on her lap. 

"My head hurts, a lot." He whined. 

"I know baby." She said, kissing his head. They stayed like that until Selena walked in. He looked up. 

"Selena! Come sit next to me." He sat up and opened his arms. She laughed at him as she walked over. Pattie stood up. 

"I'm going to get something to eat." She said before leaving. Selena sat on the edge of his bed. 

"Don't be shy, come cuddle with me." He scooted over, making room. She got in next to him. He pulled her close to him. She laid on his chest. He heart was beating fast. 

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" She asked, looking up at him. 

"That happens when I'm around you." He spoke, honestly. He kissed her forehead. Then she sat up. He looked at her confused. 

"I'm so sorry." She said. He furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What are you sorry for?" He asked Her eyes started to water. 

"For putting you in here. I caused all of this. It's all my fault." A couple of tears fell. He slid his thumb across her face, wiping her tears away. 

"It's not your fault. I overreacted and I got my own self angry. Don't blame yourself." She sniffled. 

"But it is. I hate fighting with you. I was just testing you and it turned into this I am so sorry." She covered her face. 

"Why were you testing me?" He asked. 

"Because I thought you were lying." She shook her head. Justin was hurt. 

"Do you not trust me?" He asked. He felt really hurt that she don't trust him. They have been together, not relationship wise, their whole lives. 

"Of course I trust you. But like I said before, I get insecure when it comes to Gabby." She wiped her tears. 

"And like I told you before, I won't leave you for her. Remember, she broke up with me. I don't care about her anymore. But just because she gives me a couple of games, it doesn't mean anything." He moved a piece of hair out of her face. 

She looked down and blushed a little. He lifted her head up. 

"I'm sorry." She said again. 

"Don't be." He sat up and kissed her. She kissed back. He pulled away and she bit her lip.

"Now stop being a cry baby and cuddle with me." He said. She giggled and laid down next to him. After a while of watching TV, they went to sleep.


I'm so stupid. I wrote this chapter down in my notebook and I thought I published it but I didn't. Anyway, here you go. I bet your thinking this is a big turn. Well, your right. But I have a plan for this so stay tuned in. 

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