A couple of months later.
Selena and Justin hasn't spoke in a while. She has felt horrible and has shut everyone out. She goes to school, but stays away from the other students. She goes to lunch, but eats at an isolated table.
She comes home, but locks herself in her room. She doesn't eat until its late at night and everyone is sleep. She makes sure her family barely sees her. Her friends wonder what happened, but she won't tell them.
Melody and Jeremiah have excluded their self from the group. She has been dying to talk, but she doesn't want to. Justin on the other hand has been having the time of his life. He got back with Gabby, he became extremely popular, goes to every party there is.
He hasn't have to think about anything or anyone. His mother is having a hard time keeping up with him because he too, is in and out. She sees him in the morning when he goes to school, and at night when he comes in late.
She knows its his disorder but she thinks it has gone out of hand. She also has noticed that Selena isn't around anymore. So one day she went to her house to talk to Mandy. She walked up the porch and rang the door bell.
"Coming!" A voice yelled from the other side. She waited patiently for the door to open. When it did, it revealed Selena. She completely froze. She wasnt expecting Pattie to be at the door.
"Uh... My m-mom's in th-the kitchen." She stuttered out quickly then ran off to her room. Pattie was confused. Usually Selena is happy to see her. She shrugged it off and walked in.
"Selena! Who's at the door?!" Mandy yelled. Pattie appeared in the entrence. Mandy turned her head and smiled.
"Pattie! I haven't seen you in forever. How are you?!" Mandy exclaimed hugging Pattie.
"I'm alright. I've been working non-stop, so not much time. How are you?" She responded and asked her question.
"I'm great. So what brings you here?" Pattie sat down at the island that was placed in the middle of the kitchen.
"I came to talk to you about Selena and Justin. I haven't seen much of either of them. Justin tells me they're not talking but I don't know why. I figured you would." Mandy turned back around to look at Pattie. She walked over and sat across from her.
"No. Selena said nothing to me. I've noticed that she has been in her room more and a little moody but I thought it was just her period or something." Mandy spoke.
She was confused. She could never believe that Selena and Justin wasn't talking. It seemed impossible for it to happen.
"Did you know Justin has a personality disorder?" Pattie asked. Mandy nodded her head.
"Yea. I knew that. Selena told me its like, he can switch people." That was the best way for her to explain it.
She didn't like thinking that Justin had something wrong with him. She knew he had a temper but she would have never made it to a disorder. Pattie looked down at her hands.
"Yes. And lately he has been in that 'other person'. I dont know if Selena did anything to trigger it, or if he was beging over dramatic and triggered it himself. But he definitely changed. I just wanted to know if you knew anything." She explained.
"No. I honestly don't know anything. I haven't seen Selena. She doesn't come to dinner and she stays in her room. I only see her when I wake up in the morning." Mnady also explained.
"Can i talk to Selena?" Pattie asked. Mandy nodded her head.
"Yea, of course." Pattie smiled at Mandy before going up to Selena's room. Her door was closed so she lightly knocked on the door.
"Go away!" She screamed. Pattie knew she was crying by the sound of her voice.
"Selena, please let me in. I just want to talk." Pattie explained through the door. She heard sniffling.
"No! I don't want to talk." Selena was literally breaking down.
She hadn't seen Pattie and Justin in months. She didn't want to be around her. She wouldn't be able to handle it. Pattie walked in anyway. Selena was laying in her bed with tissue everywhere.
"I said I don't want to talk!" She screamed. She got under the covers, covering her head. Pattie sighed. She walked over and sat on the edge of her bed.
"I just want to know what's wrong. I haven't see you around lately." Selena took a peak from under her covers.
"Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it. You look too much like him." She whispered the last part but Pattie still heard.
"Selena, please talk to me. He won't and i don't know what happened." Pattie said. Selena took a peak from her covers. She decided get from under them and face her.
"Ok, I'll talk. What do you need to know?" She asked emotionless.
"I need to know what happened." She replied. Selena took a deep breath and explained what happened. When she was done, Pattie then understood.
"I'm sorry Selena." Pattie said. Selena rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." Pattie got up and left. She went back home and spoke to Justin. She walked in the house to Justin sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked up at her whe he heard her come in.
"You need to talk to me." Pattie spoke getting to the point.
"Talk to you about what?" He asked turning hia head back to the TV.
"About you and Selena. You have been avoiding her for months and i need to know why." She spoke stern.
She already knew the reason but that was only Selena's side. She wanted to hear his side. She didn't want to be soft on him, then he'll be able to get his way. She wasn't taking his attitude this time.
"There is nothing to talk about." He said through gritted teeth.
"Yes there is." She spoke back in the same exact tone.
"It's your fault that she's not here." He rolled his eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows.
"How is it my fault?!" She yelled. He stood up and trew the remote.
"Because, if you hadn't been so fucking cautious that someone is going to hurt me, if you had trusted me, if you didn't have Selena following me around and doing stuff for me then i wouldn't have had sex with Gabby and I wouldn't have blew up on Selena. I should have blew up on you instead." He was now in her face, breathing hard.
He pushed past her and went out the door. He drove straight to Gabby's house. Pattie was taken back. She didn't know how to handle this.
"It's all my fault." She repeated over and over. By this time she was crying. She sat on the couch repeatinf her sentence and fell asleep.
Another chapter away from the end. I think im going to make the last one then last chapter. I wanna start another story and continue my other current story. Dont have time for either but im trying. Anyway, about this new story, its gonna be kind of related to the other story but different. Have yall heard of the show, Jane The Virgin? Well its gonna be like that. Oh and did yall hear about Donald Trump trying to pay Justin 5 million dollars to vote for him?? Hate that dude. Well bye 👋👋

BFF's Forever
FanfictionJustin and Selena are best friends. They have been from birth. This is a journey through their lives, ups and downs, emotions, fights, and last but not least love. They start off as friends then they will eventually gain feelings. Lets see how they...