Chapter ??: The Wooden Door

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**** NOTE **** This chapter is currently out of order!!! 

I am switching the timeline position of this chapter from the future (as it's written now in the "Eight month") to the "past" since I decided to unify my style, having the past (before) written following Jessie and the future (after) written from an outside point of view.  Due to how this is written, it needs to be in the "before" timeline.  This will be slightly changed and put back into order soon.  For now I will keep this chapter up on wattpad since at its current state it really could be anywhere.  But this will be slightly changed and slotted into an Appropriate place soon.

***The Time Before***

“Ma’am, it will be ready soon enough.”  The foreman saluted once and held attention.  He once was a hard man unbreakable to any, one even the director had a hard time controlling, but with a loyal army of very tech savvy workers he was also someone one shouldn’t cross.  For the past eight months a young dark-skinned man by the name of Jeremiah, hailing from the southern tip of what used to be India, has been in charge of the director’s most important operation.

This man was no saint, and though some say General Hinder perished when the Parade Hotel fell right at the start of The Slaughter there are other rumors Hinder’s henchmen still roamed the Earth and the man is still very much alive.  There was no confirmed body, but how could of there been?  There was no way to get to the Hotel, it was swarmed with flesh-eating monsters and millions of soldiers scattering in every direction—there’s no way to see what happened.

What the world knew did happen was that once upon a time General Hinder had hold of over two billion people, and during World War Three he was able to turn the peaceful sleeping giant of India into one of the most heavily armed extremist countries in the world.  While the rest of the world was fighting a war in the Middle East and South America General Hinder was able to gain control through violence, tear down the democracy that took years to build and created a totalitarian government bent on one thing, controlling everything.  When the world ended its long war and turned its eyes outward it was already too late.  He was already too strong, but also too afraid to make a move on so many countries with nukes.

About ten months ago, before The Fall but during the Fourth World War General Hinder tried to make a move for the Middle East and in turn Europe.  His army had complete advantage, but the same chaos that gave him the opportunity to seize control was turned on him.  Lilly annihilated his army with her ghouls.  Millions perished in days.  This backfire was all summarized to a pivotal attack on his base of operations, codenamed “The Hotel” a single resort hotel on the boarder of an already defeated Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

His armies retreated in hopes numbers would prevail, it turned out numbers just meant the monsters they were defending against could kill faster.  Hotel Parade is now the name of an infamous World War Four defeat of humankind resulting in the biggest loss of life in a single battle since the existence of humanity.

The man in front, the man standing at attention resembled every lost soul of that battle.  He was supposed to be some sort of liaison of India, an acceptance of its once great reign and the massive loss of life sustained in its lands.  The Land of a Billion Ghosts, they call it – the place where a billion people died. 

The foreman, Jeremiah, was not stereotypical Indian.  He was a six foot five muscled man built like a truck.  His posture never shrunk and he would strike fear into his workers, a deadline was never missed.  Because if one would be missed, people would go missing.  He had short slick-backed hair, very dark skin, and only ever wore a beige military uniform without all the pins, badges, and no country marking.  He kept a green beret on at all times and would spend hours above the operation, simply watching the progress of the construction.

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