Chapter 1: Sick Little Girl

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Dedication for helping me by coloring a black and white picture for the cover.  Took quite a few tries but it's amazing now.  Thank you so much!

*** Eight Months after The Fall***

“I know, I know it’s a few days early, but she needs the treatment now.”  Carlene Yemon had her daughter, Jessie, in the back of her car and had a phone pressed up against her ear.  Her daughter was fading in and out of sleep and had deep bags under her eyes.  The girl, only six, was born with a genetic blood disorder which requires blood transfusions twice a month just to keep her alive.

Carlene removed the phone from her ear and angrily threw it into the empty passenger seat, always making sure to keep an eye on her sickly daughter.  She watched at a red light as her daughter breathed in and out slowly, her long brown hair covered her face and moved up and down with each slow inhale and exhale.  She smiled at the thought of her daughter bouncing around the house like a hyper bunny just a few days prior, a little caravan of six year old girls following her every move.

But today, just like that, Jessie could hardly life her head.  Her getting sick like this so fast was unusual, normally the doctors had the transfusions planned in such a way her daughter never got sick at all, but it may have been the recent activities and all the bolting around the house that ran her blood bare so much quicker than normal.  This was the holiday season after all.  Her little bundle of joy was quite a bit more excited than normal.

She pulled up to the hospital parking lot.  It was a looming structure in the center of a residential area and it seemed with each expansion to accommodate the growing city more of those neighboring houses disappeared.  She pulled up to her normal spot at the far side of the hospital, near the newly built rehab center, just over a year old now.

Carlene hurried around her car and opened the passenger side, making sure to catch Jessie’s limp head as it went with the opening door.  She was no stranger to carrying her daughter into the rehab center, this has happened many times before.  Carlene picked her daughter up over one shoulder resting her daughters head under her own blond hair and started a pretty decent pace to make it to the hospital as fast as possible.  She knew to keep her pace fast, but not hurried.  Last thing she wanted was to start a ruckus by panicking.

When she went through the sliding glass doors familiar eyes looked down upon her.  Most the doctors and nurses here knew her and her daughter fairly well, they were regulars.  “How are you doing today Mrs. Yemon?” a voice went by her.

“Is Jessie not feeling well today?” came another. 

She didn’t pay much attention to who the voices were coming from and quickly got to the receptionist at the front desk. “I called.”  Carlene started as she reached the desk, making sure to readjust her limp daughter in her arms.

“Yes, Mrs. Yemon he’s coming through the door now.”  The receptionist put a phone back to her ear and continued whatever conversation she was having, not too alarmed by the limp girl in Carlene’s hands.

Carlene turned to the buzzer door to see a doctor come into the waiting area, but it wasn’t her doctor.  This man was much older with brown hair.  He had glasses over his face and looked rough and unshaven.  Her doctor, Doctor James, was a large jolly man who always made Jessie smile during her treatments.  But this doctor felt cold and stiff, it didn’t help that his attire consisted of his white coat and worn gray slacks, instead of the standard sharp black.

She got closer to get a good look, his name tag stated in stern silver letters, Doctor Hemaz.  She put a hand out and he cupped it with both hands, during the shake she asked, “Where is my Doctor? Doctor James?”

“He’s on vacation until tomorrow, cruise in the Caribbean I’m told.” Dr. Hemaz flashed a cold smile and turned, “Follow me Ma’am.  A blood transfusion should be simple enough.  You can wait in one of the rooms while I get the equipment and blood.  You can set,” he looked at the clipboard in front of him, “Jessie on the bench there while you wait.”

She cautiously followed him past the doctors-only door and he pointed her to a room.  With her arms already getting tired Carlene quickly got to the bed and set Jessie down.  She smiled at Doctor Hemaz getting a chilling return smile back as he turned on his heals to march down the hall.


Dr. Hemaz went right for the blood bank, a transfusion was easy enough.  He looked down at the chart A positive as he entered the blood cooler.  He went right to the proper row and started looking through the bags of blood, according to the chart there should be bags directly labeled for Jessie a few rows in.

After pushing aside a few bags he found the one for her and tossed it once in his hand before turning for the exit.  His entire body froze before he made it out.  His eyes flickered and sickly black smoke hissed off his fingers.

He promptly turned and set the bag labeled for Jessie back where he found it and instead went further into the cooler.  In the far back corner he found an ice chest, contaminated blood for studies, which was kept sealed and far away from the rest.  He opened this ice chest and started pulling bag after bag after bag out of the chest until he had removed them all.

He then dug his fingers into the empty bottom until a hidden compartment broke free.  Inside the compartment was one more sack of blood.  This sack contained both a skull and crossbones as well as the nuclear waste sticker stuck to the bag.  His fingers clawed at the stickers and he managed to peel them both off, revealing the date packaged and original donor name hand written onto the bag.

The date was almost a year ago and for the name there was only one word—Lilly.

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