Chapter 12: The Green Tie

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Enjoy.  Vote please!  Will leave Chapter ?? before this one for now, it may break the pattern a little bit but the chapter doesn't have to be in any particular order.

***The Time that Follows***

He looked into the mirror, adjusting the gray tie on his neck again.  His short brown hair was brushed back as he glared into his own eyes.  The tie wouldn’t do, he ripped it off and looked down at the dresser which had half a dozen or so ties across it.  He judged each one mercilessly.  Which color, which style, which shape said ‘I’m sorry’ the most?  Which one was professional and honorable, but shows ‘I let you down for my own greed’.  His own greed... how could he let his country down for greed? 

No, he has to remember what he kept telling himself, this was not his country.  These were not his people.  He was pulled into this by means of survival of his own kind; there was nothing more to it.  His massive revolution built over the past dozen or so years would have never came to fruition if he didn’t get the full support of Redeme and the Director.  The director helped solidify his reign, the Director made him who he was.  But still the Director was a tool, a stepping stone to a higher place.  He’s served his purpose and now it’s time to move on, it’s time to take the next step.  An empire built on slaughter, lies, and fear was never going to work.  The same tools that built Redeme will tear it down.

He looked at the gray tie again; it felt right but wrong at the same time.  Red was out of the question, so was purple and blue.  But then there was green, it was the color of his country, the color of his revolution.  Should he go patriotic and say it was for his people?  But for some reason he kept looking at the gray one, he felt the boring dull color would muffle the blow when the truth came out. 

No, muffling the blow wouldn’t suffice.  He wanted to be strong and proud.  If he took control with a boring color it would give way for a boring revolution.  He annihilated the USA from the inside with public hangings, massive riots, fire and chaos.  He united the people in a rage that had built up for the past two decades, he used that rage to fuel his support and when they took over his ragging partners had no intention of ever letting up.

That anger and frustration could be the same thing to take down Redeme.  He should wear the green; it showed his true intentions and could unite the people against the villain.  Redeme used murder and deceit to build its walls, it’s using the fear of death to keep its people in check, and it’s slowly becoming more and more of the police state everyone has feared since the inception of George Orwell’s “1984”.

Redeme’s intentions were hidden, they were kept out of the public eye and no one wanted to see it.  But yesterday Thomas spoke; he spoke for the first time since the war ended eight months ago.  Thomas was the voice of the apocalypse.  He was the voice no one wanted to hear but everyone listened to.  People sucked up every word he said, but they never wanted to see a word written by him.  He was a contradiction, people hated him as much as they adored him, they worshipped him as much as they denounced him.  Nobody knows the man, but everyone knows the persona.  In the end it wasn’t the man everyone had their eyes on, but the monster he represented. 

If Thomas was back so was she, and if she was back the end could be much closer than everyone expected.  At least everyone thinks that, but he knew otherwise.  The Red Reaper no longer desired the end of humanity; instead she desired its upmost dedication.  She wanted the Earth to worship her as a God, she wanted humanity to love her, fear her, and follow her even if it’s to the gates of hell and back. 

The scary part was she had the power to do it, and without any organized resistance against her there was nothing left to stop her.  Yesterday after the announcement a few things happened.  First, several American cells in Falu were annihilated, everyone within them slaughtered. Second Miss Malaway went missing, she was under lockdown in a hospital in Hanes Dale, both the guards were killed by their own weapons and one had nasty bloody hole in his side—resemblance to the mark Malaway had on her face and an upcoming trademark of the Queen herself.

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