Chapter 13 - Taking down the Sali

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It looked so pretty up there, so empty.  A throne suited for a King, but unused since it day it was constructed and placed there.  The velvet was kept fresh and red, cleaned daily probably by some janitor, and its bronze was polished as bright as the day it was set there.  She fantasized about sitting on that velvet seat, imagining the thin cushion being hard on her bosom and the cold metal arms piecing through her skin.  It certainly didn’t look comfortable, but it looked powerful. And in the end that was all that mattered.

She imagined hundreds, if not thousands of people filling the hall all trying to get a glimpse of their Queen.  She knew one day, one day soon she would sit in that throne and the people of this planet would worship her.  She knew it was a certainty because she’s seen the future, she’s seen what she will become and she saw the intergalactic ship built in her honor, a beast of a project that could only be built for an empress.

This was the first time her eyes rested on that majestic throne, the first time she was able to see the magnificent hall built to prove mankind will prevail against the darkness.  Little did mankind know the throne and great building were built for the darkness to inhabit it.  Jessie rested against a pillar of sorts, watching the throne.  No one paid attention to her because she willed it so.  Near the marble staircase was a prestigious woman, she looked proud and very busy with several men in black suits surrounding her in her dark maroon tube dress.  She appeared so busy that she wouldn’t have noticed Jessie even if Jessie wasn’t willing herself neglected. 

That woman, Miss Malaway they called her, would be the key to this takeover.  She was someone powerful and connected, but also someone the public eye didn’t often see.  She’s not the face of the empire, but certainly one of the main backbones.  She falls and the rest of this fragile reign will crumble down with it. 

Jessie moved back behind the pillar, removing the throne from her line of sight.  As much as she wanted that beautiful chair, she simply couldn’t take it now; her presence has to be built up in this place, accepted.  It would be a painfully slow advance but soon this entire building, entire city, entire empire, entire world would be hers. 

In the last five days she’s been very busy, Hector was now deep under her spell and had worked his minions into the very infrastructure of the empire.  He’s since found out the location of most of Redeme’s secret projects and was able to make close friends with a very big supporter of Redeme, Lucas Brawl.  Lucas seemed to be the number two man in this new world order, he seemed to have everything he ever wanted when it came to power, but this man also seemed to have no loyalties, he didn’t care who won a war or who died to win that war, the only thing he wanted was to be on the winning side of it. 

This was probably why he was one of the first to support Redeme’s world take over, turning Falu into a satellite of the new empire, this was probably why he orchestrated the global leadership meeting and Lilly’s intervention to kill all opposing ideas and idolize the Redeme war machine at the same time.  And it was probably why he would so easily betray Redeme and everything that has been built since the end of the war if shown a credible source capable of tearing down the empire so easily.

Hector was already feared, what he’s done so far was proof enough of what he was capable of.  But Hector with the old monster who nearly wiped out humanity in the last war working as a team… that was a threat no one would win against. 

Jessie poked her head around the pillar once more; she had a bright pink fairy dress on, a piece of clothing she chose to be the sign of her return.  She decided this would be the same dress she wore every time she appeared here, she wanted to be that little girl everyone saw but no one believed, that girl that no one thought was real until the day she made it so. 

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