Chapter 9 part 2: Frozen Forest

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Walking was hard, and even with all her strength expended on the task she was still able to see the not-so-distance plastic forest abandoned behind her.  She was already out of steam.  Jessie could no longer feel her toes, her fingers, and her joints were becoming hard to move as the cold crept up her arms and legs.  Already she was done, she couldn’t go any further.  She closed her eyes, thought of some place in the far distance and tried to jump. 

Everything was bitter cold around her, the wind picked up a bit and began blowing snow into her dress.  She slowly opened her eyes to see the vast emptiness of ice.  Did she make it away? She couldn’t see the forest anymore.  She sighed in relief, she was out of the danger zone, now she could jump to warmth and curl up into a ball until her body defrosts. 

She leaned back in liberation.  Her back hit something.  She turned around and her heart sank, it was the forest—right there next to her again.  She tried to kick the plastic tree, but her feet hardly moved, making her kick more of a light tap.  “Damn it!”  She cursed; hobbling a little bit more till she was in the center of the forest and slowly lowering herself until she sat in the snow.  She was already certain; she’d rather die right there than ever make a deal with the Devil again.  She’d take all consequences and her flight to rule the world would end right there.

She tucked the dress over her legs as if it was going to keep her warm and pressed her back up against one of the still standing trees.  She was going to die here and all just because she assumed Pop would still be at his place six months after she died.  She should have known better, why should she assume anyone stayed in one place for long?  Thomas didn’t, and now Pop didn’t.  She was just stuck.  She knew if she called Sean he would just get stuck too.  There was only so much she could do—she could get him there, but she wouldn’t be able to warn him of the dangers and what’s needed to survived.

“There it is!” she heard a yell.  People, there was someone else here, at the South Pole? Why would there be people at the South Pole? She took all her strength to stand up.  There was a slight hill where the voice came from, but she could hear motors. She was too cold to move but could hear the motors come closer to her, “This is what I’m talking about!” the voice over the hill yelled again, almost being blurred out by the engine.

The engine turned off, there was a second one running which went off moments later.  “What the hell is it?” a deep and different voice spoke.

“I don’t know, but I spotted it a few days ago.  Crazy ain’t it?”

“What is it made of?”

“Don’t know, didn’t get close enough, I just saw the red.  Let’s go down, looks empty now.”

Jessie wanted to scream for help but she’s already been out too long, her teeth were jittering and she no longer had feeling in her legs and arms.  It was a wonder she was even able to stand up.  She tried to take one step closer to what looked like two men in full dark-brown winter attire.  Her step failed and she went face-first into the snow, her face connecting hard with one of the frozen plastic logs lying across the ground.

“There’s someone down there!” Jessie heard, it’s a third voice, female, someone who was previously behind the two men and just then got up to the peak to look down into the plastic wasteland.

“No, there couldn’t be.” One of the male voices responded.  Jessie looked up from her fallen spot against the log, with her face pounding in pain and saw a flurry of snow shuffling down the small mound and red hair waving in the breeze created by the person’s rapid decent.  Beyond the woman the two men slowly walked down the hill, avoiding the broken trial the woman created.

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