More Than Meets The Eye -18-

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“And now the match you’ve all been waiting for,” the announcer growled into the megaphone with a malicious grin. “Two of our best female champions will face off tonight for the major pot of gold and to win the title of Lightning Champion!”

Autumn’s eyebrows shot up. “Lightning? Isn’t that Jenna’s –?”

“I know,” Sage called, getting to her feet and flexed her fingers in Jenna’s gloves. A sad look crossed her face yet it disappeared before Autumn could register it. “It was named after my sister when she left. They all thought she died.” She shook her head. “Not many people realised Jenna Nocturne is Lightning because she always wore a disguise as a street fighter.” She paused, glancing at her competition then turned back to Autumn with a small smile. “I’ll be back.”

Autumn nodded yet immediately she was alarmed when she took a chance to look at Sage’s opponent. The girl had muscles like that of a bodybuilder and probably the build of one of the other young male fighters who had fought in the ring only moments before. Her hair was reddish brown hair was slick with some sort of glistening oil and she wore elastic shorts and a matching electric pink bra.

“Ladies and fighters of The Brawl, please give it up for our last and two of our best contestants!” he roared, the bullhorn blasting the annoying announcer’s voice in Autumn’s ears. “Panache and Sagittarius!”

Autumn watched, standing next to a few of the friendlier winning female fighters by the ringside, clutching at the ring’s floor in fear. Panache’s build looked three times stronger and bigger than Sage’s!

“Be careful!” Autumn called out to Sage who only smiled back and flexed her fingers in her gloves once more. Autumn was definitely scared for her newly made friend. What if Sage’s neck snapped from just a kick from Panache? What if Panache crushed Sage with all the weight of her muscles? What if –

The bell rang out and made Autumn’s heart sink.

The pair of young women started to encircle each other with small smiles on their faces, each thinking of different tactics and plans.

The whole arena watched Panache flick strands of her oily hair back and rubbed her electric pink gloved hands together eagerly. Seeing that Sage had no intention to move, Panache went in for the kill.

Some sort of precognitive intuition told Autumn that Panache had just made a major mistake and immediately her fear had switched for the strongly built girl.

Strangely enough, Autumn was right as Sage stumbled backwards in an almost planned path and teetered on the edge of the ring just as Panache lifted her heavily muscled body into the air and dived for Sage’s petite form.

Sage sidestepped it with ease and regained balance almost immediately, allowing Panache’s to careen out of the ring. Sage’s opponent flipped over the edge gracefully and launched back into the ring only to be yanked into a fierce headlock. The petite girl shook her head and smiled broadly as she let Panache escape.

Autumn’s eyes widened when Sage was tackled to the ground and had punches delivered blow after blow to her pretty face. “Sage!”

Autumn screamed at the top of her lungs when blood started to flick out of Sage’s hidden face.

In a lightning quick move, Panache had ended up from on top of Sage straight into a painful position where her beefy arms were pulled back behind her at the surprisingly strong-looking force of Sage. Sage let out a whistle from her pursed lips and dug her knee into the centre of Panache’s back, right between her meaty shoulder blades and pulled harder.

Autumn’s eyes bulged in horror as Panache’s thick round shoulder bones suddenly seemed to pop right out of their sockets just as Sage pulled back even harder. “Sage!”

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