Chapter 18

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"It could just mean one thing.You,Eunji, is going to be expelled from this school..."


All of us gathered at Block B and sat in our class lines after the announcement.As I walked past the Block B compound,I saw the whole cohort of students mumbling and chatting about what is happening.I sat behind one of my classmates and she turned to look at me when I sat down. "Eunji.." she said softly. "Hmm?" I replied. "Do you know what is gonna happen?Why did they suddenly call us here?" She asked. I froze at the spot. "I- I don't know.."I muttered. She looked at me suspiciously and her gaze was really creeping me out. "Eunji,are you okay?You look pale." My face shot up. "Do I?" I replied whilst touching my face. "Yea..."


I heard someone calling out to me... I turned around and saw Jungkook standing infront of me.He smiled so widely and I could see the happiness in him,he took out an envelope and handed it to me."Here you go Eunji *smiles* " "Thanks *smiles back*" When I received the envelope I saw that the envelope's cover wrote my name and a very big heart next to my name. "Jungkook,did you do this yourself?" I asked sweetly and with curiosity. "Yup,open the envelope after you've returned to the bunk. *smiles cheekily* " /Jungkook walks away/ I looked at the envelope,wondering what it would be...

*EUNJI's thoughts*

I wonder what's inside this envelope...Hmm...

*EUNJI's thoughts*

"Chingu~" HaeSoo said as she approached me. "Yes?"I replied. "What's that?" HaeSoo asked pointing to the envelope that I was holding onto. "Uhhh....This.." "Yea,what's dat?" "Uhmm..." "It's from Jungkook right?" She asked me. I kept silent. "Well,I bet it's from him then." I looked away from HaeSoo's gaze and I felt my face stiffening as I felt the anxiety slowly overwhelming me.

"Sshhh...The principal is here..Everyone keep quiet.",someone started to say. *Huh?The principal??*

As the principal walked up to the front of the cohort,I felt that every step he took was like a threat to me.Why am I feeling this?


"Good afternoon Class of 2015" the principal started to speak. "Today I am going to announce something that is very important..Which is something concerning the whole lot of you." "I won't be very kind to anyone who treats my daughter badly from now on and also if you want to fool around in school,you will get detention.This is a new school rule and I hope you will abide to it." He paused to scan the whole cohort and started to speak again. "I would like to see Eunji in my office now.",he said.
Every single student was looking at me and some were chatting away,mumbling and muttering.I felt an instant embarassment and was feeling very anxious about what will happen to me. "What happened Eunji?" HaeSoo asked me. I shook my head. "Tell me!" She spoke in an anxious tone. "I don't know.." As I stood up,I saw Jungkook looking at me. He was gesturing some hand signs,asking if I was feeling fine. I nod my head and he gave me a bittersweet smile.


I hope Eunji is feeling fine..I'm really worried..She don't look that well...

/at principal's office/

"Eunji-ah..Well because of what you did to my daughter just now..."

"It could just mean one thing..."

"You..Eunji is going to be expelled from this school."

Those words that kept echoing in my mind.Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I looked at the principal astonished. "I'm very sorry Eunji and I really didn't want to do this.I was doing this for my daughter's sake.I am sorry." I stared at the principal and replied,"..Mr ___ It's okay.I understand" The principal's face lit up,"You understand?" "Yea..I do.."I said in between my sadness.

/in the dorm/

I packed my stuff and headed to the school's main gate.I turned to look at how beautiful my school was before leaving and I didn't notice that I walked past the cohort.


Isn't that Eunji??Why is she carrying her stuff?Where is she going?? "Erm.. Mr ChangWon,I need to go to the washroom." "Ouh?Okay,you may go." I used that to excuse myself from the situation and raced all the way to the main gate.

"EUNJI!" I called out. Eunji stopped in her tracks. I ran up to her and held her by the shoulders."Where are you going?" I asked. Eunji looked up at me,"I am going home." "Why??" "...I got expelled from school..." I was shocked and my hands were trembling... Without thinking further,I hugged Eunji so tightly that I didn't want her to leave."So what are you going to do?" I asked. "....I am going to work in the cafe across my house part-time and get some lessons outside,I would have to take care of my sister as well." "I will miss you" I said. "I will too." I hugged Eunji once more before she had to go."Bye Jungkook,I will miss you alot." Eunji said in between her tears. I waved good bye at her as she walked off to the bus stop ahead.

I will miss her alot...

Author's words: Hey guys!So it's been a reallllllyyyyy LONGGGG time since I have updated bcoz I can't use my phone to update as it's LCD is spoilt and I had to persuade my mom to allow me to use the laptop.I am sorry about that.Btw,did you enjoy this chapter?Well I do,I am also sorry that there were many words repeated throughout this chapter (my writing skills is lacking so muchh =( ).Anyways I am going to start on Season 2 tomorrow!Do look forward to Season 2 of this fanfic! And thank you for utmost support!! :))

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