Taylor Swift- My Next Door Neighbor?!

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I sighed heavily and tried to zip up my last suitcase. I tried not to let the tears fall, but my emotions betrayed me. I spent the last 20 minutes I had in my childhood home curled up in the corner of my bedroom crying.

I know I should be happy. I'm finally getting away from the bullying, and to top it off I scored a meeting with Scott Borchetta of Big Machine Records! My dream of becoming a country singer was finally within reach.

But the only the only thing I could think of was that nobody would really miss me.

I guess you probably think that I'm being dramatic, but it really is true. Being an abnormally tall, average looking book nerd who is shy doesn't do wonders for me at school. I've never really known what it's like to have a real friend.

The kids that do not bully me at our small school were too afraid of how talking to me would effect their reputation to offer me more than just a sympathetic smile when our resident mean girl Camilla "accidentally" dumped her lunch tray all over me two weeks ago. That was the last straw.

That was the night that I talked to my parents. We had been talking about the offer from Scott Borchetta for a while now, but since they couldn't get a job transfer to Nashville, at 17 I'd have to go myself.

I remember it just like it was yesterday:

"Mom" I breathed as I tried to wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face.

Her face crumpled and she pulled me into a hug.

"I have to go to Nashville Mom. I can't take the bullying anymore, and I can't just let this chance pass me by. I've been working for this for 10 years!"

My mom sighed, probably reminiscing about how she served as my manager/agent/superfan ever since I was 7 years old and I would play my tiny guitar and sing wherever they let me.

It's funny, I'm probably one of the shyest people you could ever meet, but as soon as I got on stage with a guitar in my hand, it was like I finally found my place in the world.

Finally Mom nodded and said "I know baby. You've worked so hard for this! But you've got to promise me something."

I groaned, and the edges of her lips perked up.

It was moments like this that I wish I looked like her. She had long blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders. Her eyes were exotic, ocean blue with a hint of violet near the pupil. She was gorgeous.

I guess I look like my Dad, but I guess I wouldn't know because he ditched my birth Mom before I was born.

I had frizzy, curly blonde hair, and green eyes. I'm 6ft tall, and let me tell you, being taller than most guys does not help my awkwardness at all!

"What?" I asked moodily

"Maybelline Perry! Just listen! Be careful who you trust, people will try to get things from you when you're a recording artist. And if this meeting with Big Machine doesn't work out, don't give up! The first meeting with a record company is the hardest to get! And finally please promise me you'll keep up with your schooling online."

I nodded and couldn't believe that this was really happening.

"Where am I going to stay?" I questioned in a shaky voice.

Mom's eyes shined with tears when she said "Scott helped me find you an apartment. It's all taken care of."

I was broken out of my reverie when I heard my Mom call "May! It's time to go!"

I tried to wipe away the evidence of my tears and grabbed the 3 medium sized red suitcases that held everything I owned.

I took one last look at the room at the room that changed so little over the years. The walls were still the same pale pink as they had been when Mom had adopted me, giving me the nursery of her baby girl who had been stllborn. My crayon drawings still on the wall from my toddler days at the foster home.

Seeing this safe haven so empty finally cemented it in my mind that I was really leving into the unknown.

I closed the door, and then struggled against the 3 bulky suitcases. Mom's eyes were rimmed in red, but I pretended not to notice.

The time seemed to rush by, and all too soon my mom and I both heard the fateful call that would split us apart for the 1st time.

"Flight 13 to Nashville now boarding!"

I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest. I clutched my ticket and my carry on bag to my chest like lifelines, and Mom pulled me in for one last, tear filled hug.

"Don't worry about anything! We finally worked everything out today! Your new manager is Scott Doyle. He'll take good care of you."

I nodded, and managed to get out

"I wish you were coming mom." 

She nodded and said "I wish I could too! But you know I can't afford to lose this job."

I nodded, cursing her tyrannical boss, Mr. Sir.

Finally mom pushed me toward the boarding gate with a watery smile, and she waved to me until I rounded the corner and walked up the ramp onto the plane.

I settled into my cramped seat between a bouncing 5 year old, and a drooling man, and put in my ear buds and turned on "A Place in This World" by the one person who inspired me to keep chasing my dreams.

I couldn't help but think that this would be a very long flight, because as I watched the plane lift off, I wasn't only leaving behind the Wisconsin skyline. I was also leaving behind the Two people I cared most about; my only friend, and long time crush; Nick, and my Mom.

I was launching into the unknown by myself, and it felt like I was slowly drowning the further I got from the only place I've ever known. But I never expected that I'd find someone who'd throw me the life preserver that I needed.

Taylor Swift- My Next Door Neighbor?!Where stories live. Discover now