Begin Again

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*Taylor’s POV*

“Hey May?” I asked and was met by silence as the end scene of “P.S. I Love You”, one of Maybelline’s favorite movies.

“May?” I asked again, turning around, and I laughed a little when I saw her huddled on the couch, her head on my lap, and her feet in Kimberly’s lap, sound asleep.

Kimberly and I glanced at each other, and started laughing quietly, weary about waking Maybelline up. We sat there in silence a few seconds, the only sound other than the movie on the screen was Maybelline’s soft snores, making me smile slightly. i really had missed her.

“You know she missed you a lot too right?” Kimberly whispered.

“Really?!” I asked, I don’t know but for some reason I just assumed that she kept ignoring me because she was still mad at me.

“Yeah. I would find her crying a lot at first, when it was something with your music, cats, Love Actually, or even just when I’d give her advice like an older sister.  And I finally figured out that it was stuff that reminded her of you. You are an older sister to her Taylor, and she loves you. You're Her best friend and it killed her to avoid you, but I think she felt like she didn’t have a choice.” Kimberly explained.

I nodded and said “I understand. She was probably just scared. But she had no reason to be. I’m just glad that she had you guys, and that she’s back. She’s my little sister now. I can’t live without her.”

Kimberly smiled and said “I know. She really is a sweet one. i’m just happy that now she’ll be happier now that you’re here.”

I smiled and we just sat there and watched the movie for a while, Maybelline still dead to the world.

“Hey Kimberly?” I asked.

“Yeah?” She whispered back, turning back so that she was facing me, but careful not to disturb Maybelline.

“Okay odd question, but I have to ask. Is there anything going on between Maybelline and Neil?!” I asked.

Kimberly grinned and shook her head. “Nope. I can tell they both like each other more than friends, but they’re both too stubborn to tell the other one how they feel. I think Neil’s too afraid to hurt her since everything that happened with Nick, and I think that Maybelline is afraid to let herself fall in love again because of Nick too.”

I sighed and then smiled “Well if they are both too cautious we’ll have to help them along a little bit.”

Kimberly grinned mischievously and we started trying to plan a little bit. Suddenly Maybelline shuffle in her sleep, and her eyes opened, and she groaned.

Kimberly and I just laughed and she rubbed her eyes, struggling to sit up in her still groggy state. I shook my head with a smile and helped her sit up.

“Morning sleeping beauty.” I teased and she just stuck her tongue out at me.

"Where are we?" She mumbled her eyes slightly unfocused.

"We're on your tour bus heading to our next show in Denver." Kimberly explained gently. The doctor said this might happen because of her concussion.

"Oh my head hurts." She said almost like a little kid and laid her head on my shoulder.

I frowned and patted her shoulder. “I know baby girl, but the doctor gave you some medicine to help. Why don’t you take some, and then just take it easy until the show?”

She nodded slightly and Kimberly got up and brought back some of May’s medicine and a bottle of water. May quickly took it, and we sat there for a while,and I could tell May was getting bored. Before I could think of anything to do that wouldn’t bore or tire her out, there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Kimberly said glancing at how May had her head on my shoulder, and I had my arm around her shoulders to help keep her up as well as try to make her feel better.

“May?” A new voice asked, and I looked up to see Neil walking into the room, Kimberly following close behind.

I looked down and smiled when I saw that May’s face had lit up.

“Neil?!” She asked, smiling.

He laughed a little and said “I was going to ask if all of you wanted to go bowling with us guys, but kP said you weren’t feeling great, so I grabbed some candy and a copy of The Hobbit the Desolation of Smaug if Y’all wanted to do that instead.”

Kimberly and I grinned at each other. I must say that i’m very protective of May, especially after everything that happened with Nick, but this was so sweet, and if he keeps it up, he may just get the stamp of approval.

“Well actually….” I said.

“What?” Neil asked, taking his attention off of May and turning to me.

“If you two wouldn’t mind, I think kP and I would like to go bowling.” I finished.

“Yeah,that is if that’s okay with you two.” Kimberly prompted.

“Oh yeah that’s fine! Have fun!” Neil and May both answered, a little too quickly.

As soon as Kimberly and I were out of the room we grinned and high-fived.

“They’re so cute!” I squealed as we got off the bus and made to join Reid, Boone, Andy, Jason, and Kenny in the car to go to the bowling alley.

“I know! Hopefully they can get past their fear! I think they’d be the perfect couple! That they could make each other happy.”Kimberly said.

I nodded as we loaded into the car. Thinking. I’ve never seen May light up like that for anyone, not even for Nick. I just hope her and Neil could be happy.

"Taylor?" A voice asked, breaking my reverie.

"Yeah?" I asked figuring out that it had been Reid who had spoken.

He turned to Kimberly, and she nodded.

"Well can you keep a secret from May?" He asked.

I nodded, confused.

"Well you know since her Birthday is coming up, first we wanted to throw her a surprise party and we wanted your help, but also.... well.." He trailed off.

"I'd love to help! And what else?" I asked.

"Well we wanted to show it to you first, but we kind of wrote a song for May. We were hoping maybe you could sing it with us to her at the party as a surprise." Reid said.

My eyes widened, and I asked "Really you wrote a song for her?!'

Kimberly smiled and nodded "Yeah it was actually Neil's idea."

I grinned and agreed to help. I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night, just glad that May had them too.

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