Is This the End?

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*Taylor's POV*

----6 months later-----

It's hard to believe that today is really the last day of the tour! Everyone was rushing around backstage, and I'd belying if I didn't say that there were tears shed. It had been an amazing tour, ad I had become really close to everyone. especially Maybelline! I learned so much more about her! Like her hyper personality and how she knows over 30 instruments!

Thinking about Maybelline mad me bite my lip as Caitlyn helped me do my hair and make-up. A few months ago Nick asked her to be his girlfriend, and I tried to be happy for her. But there's jus something about him. I don't trust him!

He just seems to like the attention he's getting as Maybelline's boyfriend a bit TOO much if you know what I mean. I've been down that road too many times, and I'm not going to let Maybelline get hurt that way. She's like the sister I've never had!

Caitlyn seemed to notice my mood, and asked "Still worried about Maybelline?"

Since I couldn't nod, I said "Yeah."

Caitlyn sighed and said "We all are, but we don' know for sure yet. We're all watching Taylor."

I nodded, and she muttered "Done!"

I smiled and thanked her, and we both changed into our outfits for "State of Grace".

We could hear Maybelline starting to wrap up her set, so we started to get ready. We were about to walk out into the hall when I hear a familiar voice.

I held out a hand to stop Caitlyn, and we peeked out of the crack in the door to find Nick talking on the phone.

"I love you too Babe. I swear she doesn't mean anything. It's just nice to have all the free stuff for you."

I felt my heat explode. Not only was he cheating on her, but he was using her for her fame too?!

Caitlyn had to hold me back so that I didn't go and strangle him right there.

Not long later Maybelline walked in, and the grin that was on her face fell as soon as she saw the look on my face.

"Taylor what's wrong?! he asked, and threw her arm around my shoulder.

I sighed, knowing that if it was me, I'd want her to tell me.

"It... it's Nick."

Her eyes narrowed, and she asked through gritted teeth, "What about him?"

"I overheard him talking on the phone, and he.... he's cheating on you, and using you for your fame."

Her face turned livid with anger, and I was ready for her to start bashing him, or crying, but boy was I wrong!

"Why would you lie? I thought you were my friend! I've known him my whole life! He wouldn't do that!"

I shrunk back in shock, and said "May I...."

She just glared at me, ad ran out the door, tears pouring down her face.

I tried to follow me, but Caitlin stopped me.

"Taylor we have to go on now!"

I sighed, and followed her, wondering if this is really how it's all supposed to end?! What kind of cruel joke was this!

I tried to act happy as I performed, but all I could think about was the look of anger ad hurt on Maybelline's face.

What was I going to do?!

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