It's just the beginning

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*Maybelline's POV*

My alarm started beeping, and I groaned. I slowly sat up, and glanced at my clock. 3:00 AM.

I started to lay back down. Why am I even up this early?! I started to fall asleep again, Then someone started pounding on the door.

"Maybelline Ann Perry! I know you're going back to sleep! Get up right now!"

I groaned and screamed "Come on 5 more minutes!!" and rolled back over.

Suddenly I heard the door creak open, and the blankets were ripped away. I looked up to see Taylor glaring down at me.

"Maybelline! You know what today is! Get up! We have to get ready!"

"I regret giving you a spare key" I mumbled as I groggily sat up.

Taylor laughed and said "Come on Maybelline! You have to get ready for GMA, and Ellen, and then we have to get on the plane to get to Omaha for the tour tomorrow!"

That's when I realized why today was so important.

Today was the day before I would start touring with Taylor, and also the day my album came out!

I shot up, and started making sure I had everything. Satisfied I was awake, Taylor got up and walked out the door saying

"I'll meet you here in 20 minutes. Then we have to go."

I nodded, and grabbed the white sundress and brown belt that I had picked out for all of the interviews today.

As I ran to the shower, I couldn't help but smile. I've been waiting for this day my whole life!! And I get to share it with Taylor!

Taylor helped me write a lot of the songs on my self titled debut album, and we even have a duet on there! I quickly finished up in the shower, and changed into my interview clothes.

I left my suitcases by the door, and threw on my favorite pair of brown cowboy boots. Then Taylor walked through the door again, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Why don't you just let yourself in?!"

Taylor laughed and smiled sheepishly, and asked "You ready to go?!"

I nodded, and she looped her arm through mine. She insisted on coming with to be my moral support, and I was so grateful, because as much as I wanted this, it was also really overwhelming, and having Taylor there to help me through it really helped.

We got into the limo that GMA sent, and as we were waiting for the long drive, I was playing with my new smart phone.

Taylor looked at me, and said "You should make a twitter!!"

I shrugged, and Taylor grabbed my phone out of my hand and started working.

After about 5 minutes, she said "All done! But you need a profile pic!"

I smiled and hit the self portrait button, then I looked at Taylor and said "Wanna do an awkward pose with me?"

Taylor laughed and nodded, and I stuck my tongue out as the camera went off. I looked at the picture and laughed  when I noticed Taylor did the exact same pose as I did.

Taylor showed me how update the profile picture, and I did it. I checked out all the settings and saw that Taylor had put in my website, and even tweeted for me.

I laughed and smacked Taylor on the shoulder when I read "My" first tweet

"@taylorswift13 is the best friend ever! I love her!"

I laughed and said "Really?!"

Taylor snorted and said "well it's true!"

I laughed and said "That's true."

Then I worked on tweeting I tweeted the link to my album on iTunes, and asked people to check it out.

I put my phone away, and just as we were reaching the studio, my phone started going nuts.

I looked to see that I had about 50,000 new followers and 2,000 new mentions. I looked to see why, and couldn't help but smile. Taylor retweeted my first tweet and replied "@taylorswift13: @maybellineMonroe I love you too ;)"

And she also retweeted my tweet about the album, and tweeted "@taylorswift13: Check out my friend @MaybellineMonroe Debut album today! She's one of the most talented people  know, and I have a song on that bad boy"

I laughed and said "Taylor, you're never going to be hard core."

Taylor laughed and pretended to pout.

Then the limo pulled up at GMA studios, and Taylor and I quickly got out. I saw the crowds of people there, and I felt... happy. Taylor smiled at me right before I was about to go on stage and said "You're going to be so great Maybelline! I'm so proud of you!"

I smiled and pulled her into a hug, and then it was time to go out on stage.

The day seemed to pass in a blur, until blissfully we were on a plane to Omaha.

I answered so many questions about Taylor, and "Tell Me Why" in the interviews, it was insane! Finally I could just sleep!

I was just drifting off to sleep, when I heard Taylor say something like "This is just the beginning for you!"

And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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