Queen Maybelline

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*Maybelline’s POV*

It had been a heck of a 3 weeks after Neil had first asked me out. I mean, the dates were amazing of course, and after our third date he asked me to be his girlfriend, but as soon as we got back from that date 3 weeks ago I knew something was wrong.

Neil and I had gotten out of the car, hand in hand and huge grins on our faces. It was in that moment that I thought maybe the pieces finally were falling into place.

That’s when I saw the look on Taylor’s face as she stood waiting outside of the buses for us, Reid and Kimberly flanking her, looking upset, but the look on Taylor’s face was beyond devastated.

“What.. what happened?” I asked, worry replacing the joy I had just felt.

Taylor shuffled her feet, her eyes looking pained.

“May… I.. I think you should sit down.” She said.

I looked between her, Kimberly and Reid, and all of their expressions scared me to the point that I complied without complaint, plopping down right there on the pavement, my back pressed against the cool metal of the tour bus.

They all sat down as well, Neil looking as confused as I was, sitting on my left side and grabbing my hand, squeezing it in reassurance.

I turned to Taylor, whose eyes were filled with tears, her eyes filled with dread. Just by that look, and how she grabbed my other hand gave me the feeling, and before she told me, it was like I almost knew. But that did not make the news any easier.

“May.. I.. I just got off of the phone, and well Jane.. your.. your Mom. She was in  gas station, she was on her way to and there was an armed robbery and well.. she was shot.”

I felt my heart clench, a lump forming in my throat. I leaped up, pacing.

“Well where is she?! I have to visit her!! She’s gonna be okay. She’s gonna be okay.” I ranted.

Taylor grabbed my arm, tears streaming down her face.

“Baby girl.. she.. she didn’t make it. I’m sorry. Do you want to visit her and say goodbye? they said they could keep it open for us for a few hours so we could fly down.”

I nodded, hot tears starting to stream down my face. My legs buckled and Neil carried me onto the bus, and I heard Taylor instruct the driver to take us to her private jet at the airport.

It was silent besides my sobs, Kimberly, Reid and Neil doing their best to comfort me with a group hug.

After a few minutes Taylor sat down beside me, gesturing for me to come closer, and without hesitation I crawled into her lap like a little kid and just cried and cried until I finally fell asleep.

My dreams were comprised of the woman that I had called my Mom. My music teacher that had taken me under her wing when I was 7. I had went from foster home to foster home, and not once did I find someone who didn't ask me to leave. Everyone always gave up on me. All except Jane, who had a room in her house just for me where I’d spend bad days.

Finally after I had been left by yet another foster family when I was 13, she sat me down and asked if I would mind if she would be my Mom from then on. Though we both knew she kind of had been for a long time before that. Since then she had been my best friend and my biggest cheerleader. I thought that I’d found my place with her, but now she was gone.

I tried to shake the memories out of my head, but it was impossible. Especially because today was my Birthday, and all I could think of was that she wouldn’t be here to see it. I guess it didn't help that today was also my first headlining show, and Taylor, Kimberly, Reid and Neil had a co-headlining show today, so they couldn’t be here with me.

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