Get Back to What You Know, Get Back to What you Do

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*Maybelliene's POV*

I walked around an unfamiliar hallway, confused as to how I got there. Hmm I must have fallen asleep before the show.

I started to panic a little, not wanting to be late. "Kimberly?!" I called. There was no answer as I continued to stumble down the dim hallway, oddly devoid of the usual flux of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Anyone know where are we?! Did the show start already?!" I called down the hallway, still yet to find a living soul n the dreary hallway.

Suddenly I heard voices, starting softly, and building up to a crescendo.

"Drew's cheating on you!" I heard Taylor say.

"Why would you lie?" I heard myself scream.

"You're dating Maybelline!" I heard Kimberly shriek.

I whirled around looking for the disembodied voices, to try to make them stop, but even the hallway had disappeared and I was just surrounded by a harsh, white light.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the most painful part came.

"So? That doesn't mean I can't think you're hot! She wouldn't have to know! And anyway that idiot Taylor was the only person who figured it out, and Maybelline kicked her to the curb."

Nick. He cheated on me. And Taylor. She was right all along and I treated her like such crap.

What have I done?!

Just when I thought that the last part had been the most painful, suddenly the light parted, and I saw a figure heading my way.

I gasped as I saw it, I'd recognized that hair anywhere!!

"Taylor?!" I shrieked, running toward her.

"Taylor I'm so sorry! I was such an idiot! You were right! I'm so sorry! Can you please forgive me?" I asked, stopping in front of her.

I frowned when I saw that she was crying.

"Taylor?" I asked, laying my hand on her arm in support.

She shook it off angrily, her eyes full of fury.

"Forgive you?! How could I do that?! You hurt me so much, and couldn't even trust me! Obviously you were never a true friend!"

"Taylor I'm..." I started, the tears streaming down my face.

"No! I don't want to hear it! I trusted you you piece of dirt! I never want to see you again!" She screamed, running away.

I felt my world crashing down around me, as all of my nightmares came to life. And it was all my fault. Taylor was right.

"Taylor?! Taylor! I'm so sorry! Please! don't leave! I'm sorry!" I screamed after her, crying.

I sunk to the ground. I had lost the closest thing I ever had to a sister.

Suddenly a voice called out, raising over my loud sobbing.

"Maybelline! Maybelline!" the voice called, and I started shaking as the light started cracking.

Suddenly my eyes shot open, tears still running down my cheeks.

"Taylor." I hiccuped.

"May it's okay. It was just a dream. I'm here, and I always will be. You're my little sister remember?"

I felt my jaw drop in shock as Taylor pulled me into a hug.

"Taylor?! But you hated me, you.. you..."

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