My First Concert

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*Maybelline's POV*

"May!! May wake up!"

I groggily opened my eyes to find Taylor crouched in front of me, with sympathy etched across her face.

"WHAA?" I mumbled, my eyes already half closed again. I don't think I've ever been this exhausted!

"I know it was a long day, and you're tired, but we have to get off the plane okay?"

I nodded, and shakily stood up, and nearly fell back down again. Taylor bit her lip in concern, and offered me a hand. She threw her arm across my shoulders, and helped me shuffle off of the plane.

"Be careful" Taylor warned as she caught me before I could do a face plant on the sidewalk. She helped me get into the taxi without maiming myself, and she sighed as she sat down beside me.

I snuggled into the seat, and struggled to stay awake in my zombie-like state. My head started pounding, and I started whimpering.

Taylor frowned, and pulled me into an awkward hug.

"Shhh it's okay. You're just over-tired. I promise you get used to it. Here try drinking some water. It usually helps."

I nodded, and Taylor handed me the bottle of water that she had in her purse, and I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I took that first sip. I downed the rest of the bottle.

Taylor laughed and said "I always forgot about that too! Its easy when you get so busy! But you have to make sure to drink a lot of water so you don't get sick okay?"

I started to doze off again, but Taylor and I both knew that if I fell asleep in the taxi, it would be nearly impossible to wake me up once we reached the hotel.

"So May, what do your parents do?"

I sighed, Taylor must have noticed I didn't talk about them a lot.

"Well I've never met my Dad, and my Mom died when I was 3. I was in foster care for a while, and the Joy was my music teacher at the elementary school I started when I moved in with my newest family, and she ended up becoming my foster Mom when I was 9. She's really the only family I've ever known."

Taylor frowned and said "Well at least you had her. She did a pretty great job!"

I smiled, and laid my head on Taylor's shoulder, and thought about the families that always left in the end. Joy was the only person who ever stuck with me. She helped me out with my singing since I first met her, because my family at the time, the Nicholson's kind of just ignored me.

Then I thought of Taylor, and how she was always there when I needed her. She was like the only person besides Joy who ever really cared about me.

The taxi finally pulled to a stop, and Taylor payed the driver, and helped me get out.

"Wait where's our stuff?" I asked as we shuffled toward the hotel lobby. It was only 6 pm but I've gotten about 4 hours of sleep in 72 hours.

"They dropped off our stuff and got our room this morning for us. Remember?" Taylor said patiently.

I nodded, and we quickly received our room keys from the front desk.

We walked to the elevator, and Taylor had to basically prop me up so I didn't drop right there.

Taylor gave me a concerned look, and asked "how much sleep have you gotten lately?"

I yawned and said "4 hours I think.... over the past 72 hours."

Taylor sighed and said "It's rough when your first album comes out. But you look really sick Maybelline."

I nodded miserably, and Taylor pulled me into a hug.

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