Albums, and Second Chances

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* Maybelline's POV*

It had only been 2 weeks since I got signed to Big Machine Records, but we already started working on my debut album.

I guess it helped I had a lot of songs written, and of course Taylor would come over and write with me.

I was just working on a new song when my phone rang.

"Hey Scott." 

I said distractedly.

"You don't know what today is do you?!"

I shook my head, and realizing that he couldn't see me, I answered in a confused tone.

"No. Should I?"

Scott laughed and said cryptically

"Well just get down here and you'll see."

I grumbled and Scott just laughed at me.

I hung up the phone, grabbed my purse and opened the door just as,someone started to knock.

I nearly hit them in the face with the door, and I heard a thump when they fell backward.

I rushed forward to help and said "I'm so sorry!"

I went to help them up, and suddenly whoever I knocked over burst up and screamed "I've just been shot!!" in my face.

I fell backward in shock and hit my head on the door.

I looked up to find a laughing Taylor holding a hand out to help me up.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you watch Pitch Perfect!"

Taylor laughed at my distress, and helped me up.

"Where ya going Mayberry?"

"Really Tay?! I thought we agreed that you wouldn't call me that!"

She just laughed and said "I agreed to nothing!"

I couldn't help but laugh, and said"I'm going to the record label. Apparently Scott has some surprise for me."

Taylor nodded and said "I have to go there too! Need a ride?!"

I nodded, and we both grinned and raced to the elevators.

I swear we're really 5 years old!

Once the doors to the elevator opened, we rushed toward the lobby doors.

"We can't be late!" Taylor said in a near panicked voice.

I nodded,but turned when I heard the commotion at the desk.

"Sorry sir, Ms.Perry is out right now, and I don't know when she'll be back." 

Whoever was looking for me groaned, and I stopped in my tracks when I heard the deep voice that answered in a distraught voice.

"But I just drove over 20 hours to see her, And I have to leave in less than an hour!"

Taylor looked back when she noticed that I wasn't behind her anymore.

"Maybelline are you okay?"

The speaker with the familiar unruly brown curly hair whipped around, and the gorgeous almond eyes stared into mine.



I said. I didn't know how to feel seeing him again. I was mad and hurt, but my heart also softened at the sight of him against my will.

Taylor stepped in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest and barked "You're Nick right?"

Nick looked utterly confused, and said "Yes...."

Taylor then slapped his arm and shouted "You know how bad you hurt he right?!"

Nick nodded with regret in his eyes, and said "I just missed her. I was afraid she'd forget about me. I came here to apologize."

Taylor turned to me, a question in her eyes, and I said "Let's hear him out."

Taylor nodded, but her death glare did not soften,

"May. I'm so sorry, and I know I don't deserve it, but can we still be friends?"

I thought about it, as much as he hurt me, one look in his eyes that I had memorized, and I knew that I'd forgive him. He was my home.

"I guess I'll forgive you, but you owe me a life time's supply of your Mom's homemade Oatmeal Raisin cookies."

Nick laughed and pulled me into a hug.

*Taylor's POV*

I watched as Nick and Maybelline hugged, and I couldn't help but feel that this was not going to end well. 

Soon enough Maybelline said "Sorry nick, I really have to go to the Record Label. I should've been there already!"

He smiled at her and said "I'll see you soon!"

But I didn't miss the tightening in his eyes when she mentioned the record label. I couldn't help but smile as Maybelline skipped with me to the car, but I also knew that Nick might hurt her.

I tried to brush these thoughts away as we entered the studio.

Scott came out and greeted us "Just the two people I wanted to see!"

We both smiled, and he ushered us into his office.

"So I have some big news for you both, We're releasing Tell Me Why as a single today, and we're ready to release your EP next week. All we need is to pick the 5 songs you want on it."

Maybelline's jaw dropped and I grinned.

Scott looked at me with a smile, and he asked " I bet you're wondering why I called you both in here."

I nodded, and Scott said "Well after The single drops today, and the EP drops next week, we've got your 3 week radio tour lined up, as you know."

Maybelline nodded, both of us confused as to where he was going with this.

"Well Taylor suggested it a while ago, and I just cleared it with your manager, so Maybelline, We're offering you a slot opening for Taylor on the Red tour."

Maybelline and I looked at each other, and screamed.

Scott laughed, and I helped Maybelline pick out the 5 songs for her EP from the 11 that she had written already.

As we skipped back to the car, I threw my hands up in the air and screamed "WE"RE GOING ON TOUR TOGETHER!!!"

Maybelline laughed and I couldn't help but think that it couldn't get much better than this.

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