Dream Impossible Things

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*Taylor's POV*

I petted Meredith absentmindedly as I watched my two favorite people, Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson work on yet another case together. Olivia has just chased a suspect onto the roof of a building, and was being dragged near the edge when I heard a huge BOOM that resounded through the wall like a gunshot.

I jumped up, which earned me a hiss from Meredith as she scurried away with a sour look on her face. I laughed at how human like she thought she was, and rushed out into the hall to make sure that nobody was hurt.

I pushed open the heavy door to my apartment to find John and Jake, the two boys who worked here, on the ground, trying to pick up the spilled contents of a suitcase that they must have dropped.

I tried to stifle a laugh. These two are almost as clumsy as I am. "Need some help?" I asked

They looked up, and nodded. I smiled and knelt down and began to help them gather the items. At first they were so star struck they wouldn't even look at me, let alone talk to me. I was glad that they were more comfortable around me now, I mean I'm just a person!

"So what's the deal guys? New person moving in?"

"Yeah" John grunted

"Actually she's moving next door to your apartment I think." Jake added.

I nodded and couldn't help but smiled excitedly. A new neighbor!!! With that being known, I started to pay more attention to the items that we were carefully arranging into the suitcase again. The suitcase was filled with battered copies of books like To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Lord of the Rings.

I couldn't stifle my smile. She must like to read! Then it got even better, the rest of the belongings that were in the suitcase were scattered handwritten sheet music, demo tapes, and guitar picks. I could already tell we were going to be great friends!

After a while I heard Jeff, the cook bark an order through Jake's walkie talkie, and they looked at me guiltily.

"Go ahead, I can finish cleaning it up."

They nodded gratefully and arranged the other 3 suitcases in front of the soon to no longer be empty apartment 14.

I spent the next few minutes or so carefully putting various CDs and a cute stuffed kitten into the suitcase. I scanned the now clear looking hallway with satisfaction. All done!

I was just about to zip up the old suitcase when my foot hit something.

I spun around and saw what it had been. My smile turned to a full blown grin. There on the ground were obviously well used copies of all of my albums.

I carefully laid those on top and zipped up the suitcase. I set it next to the other three anxiously awaiting my new next door neighbor, and quickly rushed back to my apartment.

I disregarded my previous post watching Law and Order SVU and headed straight to the kitchen. It was my favorite time. Cookie baking time!

I paced up and down the tile floor of my kitchen and it seemed like ages before I heard the buzzing of the timer go off. "Finally!" I nearly shouted and bustled toward the stove. I took out the cookies and set them on the table to cool.

After watching the remaining 20 minutes of the episode of Law and Order that I had abandoned earlier to help John and Jake, I stretched and went to check the cookies.

They were perfect! I put them in a cute tin with a picture of a kitten on it, and taped a note that said "welcome Neighbor! Love Taylor" on it.

Everyone else in the building thought I was a dork, but I did this for every new person who moved in. Hey cookies can brighten everyone's day!

Taylor Swift- My Next Door Neighbor?!Where stories live. Discover now