Feeling like I just Lost a Friend

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*Taylor's POV*

I tried to fake a smile during the concert, but all I could think of was the look of anger and hurt on Maybelline's face as she ran away from me. I guess I didn't blame her for not believing me. She just doesn't want to believe it's true, and I really wish it wasn't.

The show seemed to move so slowly, until finally we were on the last song.

Usually this was my least favorite part of the show, but today I met it with relief.

As soon as the last note played, I rushed off the stage, just wanting to find Maybelline and make sure everything was okay again. I started frantically searching the hallways for her tall figure.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, and I whipped around, hoping I'd find Maybelline. But instead it was my Mom. I tried to hide my panic and disappointment from her concerned gaze.

"Oh hey Mom." I said, already starting to walk away.

She grabbed my arm, and I spun to face her.

"Oh do you need something? I'm sorry I was just looking for Maybelline." I said.

My Mom's face crumpled and I knew something was wrong. I had a feeling I knew what she was going to say, but I refused to believe it.

"Taylor..." She said gently.

I tried to slide out of her grip, and said "I really need to find Maybelline..."

Mom held fast, and sighed. Her voice was shaky as she continued "Maybelline is gone. She left."

"No!!" I hissed, and dug out of my phone.

I dialled the number, but it just went to voice mail.

I just sunk to the ground, and I heard my Mom explain the situation to Caitlin in a low voice.

Soon Caitlin sank down beside me and pulled me into a hug.

"It will work out Tay. She'll come around. She just needs time."

I nodded, hoping she was right as they shepherded me into the tour bus to head back to Nashville. She was like a little sister to me, and now she hates me!

I tried to sleep, but I just laid in my bunk at 2 AM, feeling like I had just lost a friend.

*3 weeks later*

I had sent Maybelline numerous texts and calls begging her to just let me know she was okay, but she ignored me.

I sighed as I walked through the store, and stopped dead when I heard the announcement on the radio.

" The Band Perry has just added Country newcomer Maybelline Perry to their 'We Are Pioneers" World Tour set to begin in 2 weeks..."

I felt a little better. I knew Kimberly, Neil, and Reid were good people and that they'd take care of her. But that didn't help ease the pain of losing my best friend.

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