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*Maybelline's POV*

I sighed when my phone went off. It was Taylor. Again. I felt bad for ignoring her, but it's just I can't face her.

I can't figure out why she would lie.

I was about to answer when I heard a voice from outside the door.

"Hey Kimberly." My heart leaped when I realized it was Nick. I didn't know he was coming today!

I peeled myself off of the couch in the dressing room and was about to open the door when I froze.

"What are you doing later?" He asked.

And I heard a weird noise. I glanced out the crack in the door and gasped when I saw that he had Kimberly pressed up against the wall.

Her eyes were wide with shock and fear, and she squeaked "You're dating Maybelline!"

Nick laughed coldly and played with a lock of her hair.

"So? That doesn't mean I can't think you're hot! She wouldn't have to know! And anyway that idiot Taylor was the only person who figured it out, and Maybelline kicked her to the curb." He laughed coldly, and I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart.

Taylor was right.

"Help!" Kimberly screamed.

Nick pressed her against the wall even harder, and she squeaked in pain.

"Don't be like that baby." He said, and moved to kiss her.

Kimberly looked so scared and upset, and I pushed the door open wider, and her gaze locked on mine.

"What are you looking at?" Nick snapped, and dug his fingernails into Kimberly's arm. She yipped in pain.

And that was when I lost it. I charged forward and before he could even turn his head fully, I punched him in the face.

He fell backward, and Kimberly breathed a sigh of relief, and rubbed her now bleeding arm.

"What?! May! I was just..."

"Leave." I said in a shaking voice.

Nick slowly stood up and tried to come near me.

"May you have it all wrong. She came on to me."

I rolled my eyes and Kimberly snorted.

Nick looked enraged and came forward and gripped my arm really tight.

I squeaked in pain, and shouted "Nick leave!"

Nick laughed and said "I'm not going anywhere without you."

He started to drag me to the door, and I started screaming and pounding on his back.

Nick made an annoyed sound, and punched me in the head.

Kimberly screamed as I collapsed and rushed forward.

I saw stars and just sat there, my vision fading in and out.

I heard Kimberly snarl "She said leave." and saw that she somehow knocked him back.

"Security!" She screamed when she pushed Nick back again.

Suddenly there was a rumbling and I heard shouts and a scuffle, but my head was spinning, and my vision was fading.

"Maybelline?" Reid asked softly.

I tried to stand up, but I soon fell face first and my vision slowly faded.

I heard Reid scream "Someone get a doctor!"

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