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"Why must you always call me 'baby bro', my eighteenth birthday is in a couple months."

"Because you're always going to be my baby brother, darn that was really cliché huh?" Jordan chuckled, Isaac laughed with him and nodded as they continued to pack their things.

But, soon enough, it was the next morning and they were packed up and in the car, heading to see their new abode, just they don't have furniture yet.

They walked around the outside after a 3-4 hour car ride, then walked into three barns that they now own.

Cierra launched her phone off the railing to Bethany, and she failed to catch it.

But over all they were enjoying themselves and hanging out around the house.

Isaac finally got his own room, just its empty.

They explored around the outside a bit more,the they fooled around a bit, it was fun.


"No you don't Lucifer, you love us!" Michael snorted.

"Yeah, I'm best friends with two grown dudes who are scared of a spider and a Calum."

"A Calum?"

"Yes, you are your own category."

"Fuck you Luke!"


"No." Luke, Calum, and Michael chorus, snapping their heads toward Ashton and he immediately through his arms up in defense.

"Jesus Christ sorry!"

They all burstsd into a fit of giggles after that; yeah they're definitely not normal. But normal is boring, don't be normal.

They all eventually stoped laughing, and Michael being Michael, he ordered pizza at 12 am in the morning.

"Why Michael, its 12 am.."

"I'm punk rock I can eat when I wanna eat, Calum!"


"THROWING ROCKS, AT YOUR WINDOW! AT MIDNIGHT!!" He ran around the room as they waited for a large pepperoni pizza to appear at Michael's door with a woman/man holding the box asking for a tip.

"Michael's high, this is just great."

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