Chapter 7: Impossible

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Your P.O.V.:
There was little discussed about the plan for what to do with Medusa. But really, in your heads, everyone knew exactly what they had to do.
For you, that was to avenge Suzuha.
You wouldn't ever have imagined that Bishamon would kill her sister, despite what she'd done to her, but if it came to it, and everything was as it was supposed to be, you would have the pleasure of carrying out that action.
"(Y/n)?" Someone shook you out of your vengeful thoughts as you turned to who requested your presence.
It was your blue eyed master, his curious gaze fixed on you as if you were a painting in a museum.
He wasn't okay with you and Yukine going along with Bishamon alone due to their relationship, but despite his battle wounds from his previous encounter with Medusa, he insisted on coming along.
"Hm?" You said lifelessly, you continued to bare your bland expression.
"I see that look in your eyes, y'know. I haven't seen you look so hostile and serious in a while.." Yato joked, a nervous smile spreading on his face.
"This honestly isn't a time to be joking. We have a mission to carry out, and thats all we should be worried about." You said seriously, turning away from him.
The midnight haired god squinted his eyes as he pouted his lips in a silly fashion.
"C'moooonn (Y/n)! Live a little! There's no need to be so uptight!" He said happily throwing his arm around your shoulder.
As soon as his arm made contact with your shoulder, you stared into his eyes with a fierce glare that would send anyone screaming for their mother.
His arm immediately retreated from your body, as he put his hands up in defense.
"Okay, okay! Yeesh! Yukine come get your girlfriend!" He said in fear, immediately scooting a fair distance away from you.
Yukine sighed, moving away from the pole he was standing by, and taking a seat next you.
"What I wanna know is, why are we taking a subway to where Medusa is, while Bishamon is riding off into the sunset on her majestic lion?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Yato.
"Last time I checked, you're two swords, and she's a bow and arrow. I can't exactly ride that." Yato said, crossing his arms as he shot a glare at him.
"The real question is, why are we the only ones here?" You spoke up, looking around the tram-car.
It had been apparent that no one was around except for the three of you, the only sound filling the room was your own voices.
"..Something doesn't feel right.." Yato perked up, his casual demeanor turning into a more guard- like one.
"Hello, passengers this is your engineer speaking. Our next stop is a pretty unsettling one, simply titled Death."
A shiver shot up your spine as you listened to the muffled voice coming through the train's intercom.
"That can't be right is it? Is this some kind of joke?" You asked your two partners, to which they responded with confused shrugs.
"Not to worry though, the only people sent there are the ones that belong there."
You all immediately shot out of your seats, getting on guard.
"I'm gonna take a wild guess, but I think Medusa is probably the pilot of this train." Yukine said, his eyes searching around for a sudden attack.
Speak of the devil, the intercom switched off with a bone shattering screech, and said woman materialized, her body forming right before your eyes.
Her violet irises crossed paths with yours, as you shot her a cold glare.
"Now thats no way to say hello to someone, now is it?" She said with a smile, that surprisingly didn't frighten you.
"I won't say hi to anyone who's killed someone I was close to." You growled, expecting Yato to call either you or Yukine into your weapon forms at any minute.
"Goodness! I guess that ruins any chance of us having a friendship won't it?" She asked, as two of her grotesquely long fingernails tilting up to your chin so that your eyes met directly with hers.
"I'll never be friends with you. Let alone will I ever consider you a person. You're a disgrace." You sneered through gritted teeth, shaking her hand away your face.
She laughed, running a hand through her wicked flamed locks.
"Thats just what I wanted to hear." Her smile faded into a thin line, as her hand rose into the air, a pistol forming in her hand in thin air.
"Come, Sekki!" Yato called Yukine roughly, as Yukine transformed into his praised twin katanas, melted into Yato's hands.
The fight began, as Medusa began firing her ammo at Yato, as he gracefully dodged each attack.
"(Y/n), you need to get Bishamon! There's no way we can beat her on our own again!"
You practically dropkicked him right in the middle of the fight.
"No way in hell am I ever doing that again." You yelled, knocking over some obstacles in the car in an attempt to distract Medusa.
She dodged the debris, as one of her bullets pierced Yato's skin.
He let out a cry of pain, his hand immediately going to clutch the wound.
He was rendered immobile, Yukine left on the ground still in his weapon form.
'Shit..' You thought, immediately going to help them.
"Yato you have to call Yukine out of his weapon for-" You were cut off when one of Medusa's bullets shredded through the skin of your calf, burrowing itself within you.
You too fell to the ground with a loud cry, as blood began to run from the wound as if it was a water faucet.
"(Y/n)..!" Yato called your name weakly, as you looked back to Medusa, who was slowly stalking towards your weakened body.
You attempted to crawl away in fear, but failed, as her regalia had transformed back into his human form, hoisting you over his shoulder.
"I could take the boy, but.. you.. I like you."
Medusa hissed, smiling as she looked at Yato, who was withering away in pain on the ground.
You were bleeding heavily, your vision becoming altered and faded due to losing so much blood.
"W..what are you... gonna do to me..?" You asked, as you shuffled in Sohe's arms. In your weakened state especially, there was no way you were going to be able to escape his strong grasp.
The last thing you saw, being those ghostly violet eyes, haunted your thoughts.
"I'm going to become your worst nightnmare."

OH MY GOOSH. I ACTUALLY UPDATED WHEN I WAS SUPPOSED TO?! WHAT A SHOCKER!! Lol anyways, I'm really happy I got this out to you guys on time, especially since I have plans in about an hour. I'm not procrastinating everything either lol.
Also, you guys.. don't ever think I'm quitting on this story unless I say so. But thats never going to happen either. I absolutely love writing this story, and I love being able to communicate with you guys. No way would I ever give up on something I love doing. Matter of factly, how can I stop writing when IM SO HYPE FOR NORAGAMI SEASON 2 IN LESS THAN A MONTH. THATS RIGHT. YOU HEARD MEH. MORE YUKINE FLOWER CHILD, DADDY YATO, AND ADORBY DORB HIYORI. RIGHT NEAR MY BIRTHDAY TOO. ON SEPTEMBER 24TH. YUP. SO. THATS IT GUYS. LETS GET HYPE FOR SEASON 2 TOGETHER. NORA GAH MEH HYPPPPPEEEEE. (lol ily guys. Dont forget to comment and vote.) - Drama Typhoon <3

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