Chapter 9: Nightmare

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Hiyori's P.O.V.:
I'd been worried about Yato, Yukine, and (Y/n) as I hadn't heard from them since they started hiding out at Kofuku's a few days ago.
I awaited the train that took me home, rocking back and forth on the heels of my sneakers.
Lately, there hadn't been a spared minute when the trio wasn't in danger, having me constantly on edge.
I slipped my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it with a simple swipe. Next thing I knew, my finger was hovering over Yato's number.
My train arrived simutaneously as I dialed his number, pressing my phone against my ear.
It rang time and time again, as I entered the tram car.
"Oh hey, Hiyori." I peeked up, my eyes widening. Yato had answered, but my phone was still ringing..
"These trains have great cell phone reception, huh?" A voice tugged on my attention below me.
I looked down to see the midnight-haired boy, with his body strewn by my feet.
I immediately dropped my phone, frantically trying to assist him.
"You idiot, what'd you get yourself into this time?!" I yelled at him harshly, helping him to sit up on his back.
"Its not my fault Bishamon and her sister can't get over the past.." He muttered in annoyance, spitting some blood from his mouth onto the ground.
I rolled my eyes in disgust as I began to dig in my purse for something to protect his wounds.
"So it was Medusa again.. wait, where's Yukine and (Y/n)?" I asked, my attention being drawn away from my purse.
"Oh yeah...return, Yukine." Yato said, his hand limply reaching out for his regalia's return.
Yukine's twin katanas glimmered in the spring sunset, before he returned back to his human form.
"You've been awake all this time and you didn't call me back into my human form?!" Yukine asked Yato angrily.
I smiled awkwardly, while returning to search my purse for bandages.
"Glad to see you're okay, Yukine. But.. where's (Y/n)?" I question them, as both their faces fell into frowns.
"..Medusa managed to get her hands on her.." Yato growled in defeat, his eyes sealing daggers into the ground.
I placed the bandages on the seat of the train bench, as I sighed.
"What are you doing here? Go save her." I directed them, becomimg a little irritated by the fact that they hadn't already done so.
There was no time to waste, as there was not telling what Medusa could do to (Y/n).
"I can't.." Yato said, pointing to a bloody wound engraved in his shoulder, blood stains beginning to run in streaks down his tracksuit.
I gasped in surprise, immediately untying the scarf from around his neck and wrapping it around his shoulder.
Previously not noticing it before, the smell of iron lingered from his vital fluids, causing me to gag.
"You've lost a lot of blood. We have to get you to a hospital, or.." I cut myself off before I said those bitter words, the very thought of it sending my hands into a round of constant trembling.
"I know.. but we have to worry about (Y/n) first.. Yukine," he breathed heavily, his hand clutching at his wound.
"I need you to save her.. I-I can't do it. Not in the state I'm in." Yato whispered, his blue orbs wandering off.
Yukine smirked, despite the tone of the room.
"You don't have to tell me twice." He said rising up, a fierceness overwhelming his auburn irises.
"Just do me a favor, Yato..." Yukine paused, turning to look back at the both of us, his eyes now pleading.
"Don't die on us." He said sternly, his hands balled up into fists as he looked on into Yato's eyes intently.
Yato breathed, as if he was taken aback by the fact that Yukine actually cared for him.
He then cracked a smile, a bit of dry blood creasing at the corners of his mouth.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine as long as I've got Hiyori with me."
Yukine nodded, before turning to face us once again.
"Um.. one question.. where exactly is Medusa?"
All of our eyes widened, as none of us actually considered that factor.
"Right.. find Bishamon, then save (Y/n). She most likely knows where she is." Yato explained, as the train began to hault to a stop.
Yukine nodded, as he helped me lift Yato to his feet and support him on my shoulder.
"Good luck, Yukine." I said to him when the doors slid open, and we both parted ways.
Yukine's P.O.V.:
I sprinted away from the train stop, with no leads on where Bishamon exactly was.
The sun was beginning to fade behind the horizon, causing me to bite my lip.
I wasn't exactly one for darkness, nor did I do well in it. The dark was where phantoms reared their faces, and when my nightmares decided to make their presence known.
I sprinted even faster, my lungs being pushed to the limit.
I couldn't let my fears get the best of me now. It wasn't my number one priority.. (Y/n) was.
My eyes constantly drifted around, hoping that Medusa had just decided to let (Y/n) go, and she was just meandering around the city, search for us.
It was little, but all I could do for her was hope.
All that filled my thoughts was (Y/n). The way the sun reflected off her eyes everytime she smiled, how she was able to make me blush, how many times I found her at my side, my shoulder being the one that she cried on..
How much I loved her...
And all I could do for her sake was hope that she was alright.
I clenched my fists, in rage.
If Medusa did anything to you, she was going to regret it.

Unexpectedly, my entire environment had changed within a matter of seconds.
Right before my eyes, a vibrant explosion took place, shaking the ground below me.
I took hold of a tree trunk, streadying myself.
I coughed incessantly, the debris from the explosion clouding my already fatigued lungs.
A small jewel landed at my feet, gleaming in what was left of the sun's rays.
I squinted, picking up the small treasure.
My eyes widened, as the flower earring gleamed between the tips of my fingernails.
"..Kazuma..?" I whispered to my own horror, as the sun slowly fell behind the horizon completely, the city now covered in darkness. I shivered, slowly stalking forward.
I prayed this wasn't Medusa's doing, being that it was usually unthought of that someone could actually defeat Bishamon.
"Bishamon..?" I nervously called her name, the only sound being my soft footsteps.
'Everything is fine. Everything is good...' I thought, attempting to calm myself despite the fact that my fear was lingering.
There was no reply, causing me to become even more cautious..
Without warning, a giggle echoed with no source, causing me stop right in my tracks.
"..Yukine.." A delicate voice spoke my name, as I gritted my teeth.
"You came for me Yukine.." The girl spoke again, the sound of her voice rendering itself familiar in my mind.
"(Y/n)..?" I called out for her, becoming startled when someone delicately wrapped their arms around me from my backside.
Her lips pressed against the tip of my earlobe, causing me to blush heavily.
She laughed again, the sound of it being empty. It was as if she was a puppet, no longer in control of her own emotions and her own decisions.
Her fingers ran down my chest, tracing themselves right around the area of my beating heart.
"You love me, don't you?" She asked me, the friendly chime in her voice that I came to love no longer apparent.
I didn't answer, only staring straight into the darkness.
"Do you, Yukine?" She asked me once more, her hair brushing against my cheek.
Her body pressed against the back of my mine, as her cold breaths ran against my neck.
I still hesitated to answer, though it eventually slipped passed my lips.
"Y-yes I love you.."
"That's good to know. You would forgive me if I ever did something wrong, wouldn't you?" She said with a light chuckle, as her lips fell to my neck.
"Y-yes." I whispered, as I felt her invasive presence disappear within seconds.
I whipped around, my eyes searching for where she'd gone.
I immediately turned around to be frightened by her gaze being inches away from mine. Her breath brushed against my face once more, as she dawned a demeaning smile.
"Y-you scared me.. are you okay? Did Medusa hurt you?" I asked stepping away from her.
She shook her head no, before her hand rose slowly. I watched it suspiciously, as I felt my entire body freeze.
It was as if the entire world stopped, as she pressed the deadly weapon against my skin with no hesitations.
The barrel of the gun was placed against my forehead, with her finger limply pulling back at the trigger. Her face was lifeless, as if the girl I once loved was gone and replaced by some mindless puppet.
"(Y/n).. I.." I barely managed to let her name escape my lips, as I looked at her in fear.
As if to answer me, she gently pulled down the collar of her shirt, revealing a dark marking that was carved into her once soft skin.
My eyes barely grazed the sight, as my heart barely stopped in its tracks.
'暗が' it read.
"..She.. she turned you into a nora.." I whispered in horror, my hand desprately wanting to wipe the marking away from her skin.
"Kuragari. Thats what my master named me. Its a pretty name isn't it? " She choked back, as if something or someone was controlling her.
The glimmer in her eyes had gone, now replaced by a dull shadow, her smile now just a cruel distraction from what Medusa had really done to her.
"Is she.. is she controlling you..?" My voice cracked, as my hand reached out for her, desperate to pull her back into reality. Before my hand made contact with her, she harshly grasped my wrist, moving it away from the marking.
Tears began to collect in the corner of her eyes, as her finger pulled back at the trigger.
"You said that you would forgive me, wouldn't you? No matter what I did.."
"(Y/n), please I know you're still in there.. don't let Medusa do this to you.." I begged her, a stray tear, slowly falling from my cheek.
"Please forgive me, Yukine.." Her (e/c) irises hazed over by a violet cloud, their natural color now gone. Her finger pulled back, ending everything.

Somehow, I ended up falling in love with the same thing I feared. And somehow, it was the last thing I had the pleasure of witnessing.

(Kuragari means darkness in japanese.)
Ok y'all before you kill me, just know that things didn't end in this chapter the way you think they did. So plz don't kill meh. AND NO, I'M NOT TELLING YOU WHAT HAPPENED. YOU MUST BE PATIENT UNTIL NEXT FRIDAY. K LOL. Lemme know how you guys liked his chapter. Did ya hate it? Love it? Lemme know! Ily guys amd don't forget to vote and comment.- DRAMA TYPHOON OUT! <3

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