Chapter 10: What Really Happened

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Yukine's P.O.V:
They always say to face your fears. And I did.
She was standing in front of me, in her regular outfit of a hoodie and light wash jeans.
Her feet planted firmly in the ground, with a menacing grin placed upon her face.
Usually I would admire her face, taking in how beautiful she was. Her natural (e/c) hazed over with a looming violet, and her skin pale.
I didn't know whether to be afraid, or to just gawk at her in awe.
And then she pressed the barrel of a gun to my forehead, my feelings about her still running wild.
It was funny, even though Medusa had implemented my fear into the person I loved, I wasn't all that afraid to die at the hands of it.
I slowly shut my eyes, hoping that when this was all over, (Y/n) wouldn't blame herself.
But the gunshot never came. I never saw the darkness, and I opened my eyes once more.

Bishamon had pushed me to the ground, her armor in shambles and wounds still fresh with blood lingered on her skin.
Kuraha, in his lion form, held a thrashing (Y/n) by the sleeve of her shirt, as she sporadically reached for the gun on the ground.
"Stay back," Bishamon whispered, pushing me to the side, as she picked up the pistol, her eyes glazing over it.
"This is war," She simply growled, her presence sending off waves of intimidation and anger.
She wrapped her slim fingers around the handle of the gun, squeezing it with metal bending force. The gun eventually snapped, causing me to jump as the remaning pieces of the gun fell from Bishamon's hand without a second thought.
With that, Sohe was dead, his name flashing in the air as it shattered into a million pieces.

My breathing quickened when I realized that this was Bishamon, the almighty and powerful god of war who could end my life in seconds.
Noticing my visible nervousness, Bishamon looked at me over her shoulder, and began to speak in a soft tone.
"The girl is under the control of my sister. She's probably the one puppeting the poor girl." Bishamon muttered, as she stalked up to (Y/n), crouching to her position.
"Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb. I had everything according to plan. You all just ruined everything! Yukine would've forgiven me!" (Y/n) scowled, her hand wildly clawing out in an attempt to attack Bishamon.
With a simple glance and nod to Kuraha, the lion swung her by the sleeve of her arm, causing her to hit a tree with a rough thud.
I cringed, whilst glaring fiercely at the two.
"What the hell-"
"If you want to remember her acting this way, then be my guest." Bishamon cut me off, climbing onto Kuraha's back.
I sat on the ground in silence, my breathing stagnant as I pondered her actions.
"W-why did you save me?" I questioned her, her eyes lowering as I did so.
"She would have blamed herself for ending your life even though she wasn't in her right mind. In other words, she would've killed herself anyway."
"But isn't that what you want? For revenge against Yato?" I hesitate before asking my question, careful that I didn't remind her of her motives.
Bishamon chuckled, tipping her hat a bit.
"Though he's still on my 'hit-list', my sister has surely passed his level with the grim things she's done lately."
I breathed a sigh relief, but the respite didn't last long, as there were a thousand other questions running through my head
"Listen, I don't want to doubt your actions or anything, but if Medusa just did this to you, what makes you think you'll be able to beat her now?"
She breathed sharply, obviously annoyed by the fact that Medusa had put her in this state.
"She doesn't have a regalia to protect herself with anymore.. and the girl is unconscious." The war goddess explained.
I nodded, as I took notice of (Y/n)'s unconscious body that lay face down.
I carefully lifted her up, immediately seeing how Medusa had managed to claim her.
My heart beat with a soreness, as I chewed on the skin inside of my cheek nervously. There had to be a way to fix this. There had to be a way to get her back.
I looked to Bishamon, my eyes pleading.
"Do you think she'll ever be the same again..?"
Bishamon grunted, her heel pressing into a tuft of Kuraha's fur.
"Knowing my sister's abilities, there's no way we can know for sure until everything is all said and done."
I put (Y/n) on my back, in a sort of piggy-back style, rising from the ground.
"Right.. then there's no time to waste then. We should just find Medusa, and find a way to get (Y/n)."
Bishsmon smiled, cracking her whip in the air.
"Sounds good to me."

Guys Im really sorry I havent updated this story in more than two weeks. I've been hanging out with friends a lot more and I've been really busy with school. But rest assured, I am not giving up on this story. Not to mention, we hit 3k reads!! Thanks to those of you who stick around for my extremely slow updating lol. I love writing for you guys, and I'm glad you're loving the story so far. Also, I know ther story is getting close to Chapter 13, but its not ending. Lol this series is far from over there's still a lot this story needs to cover.
ALSO DID YALL KNOW SEASON 2 OF NORAGAMI CAME OUT?? I ALREADY WATCHED THE FIRST TWO EPISODES AND OMG THEY WERE WONDERFUL. PLUS MORE YUKINE BABEH. Lol ok sorry about that. But lemme know if you guys did see it! ALSO I WILL TRY TO HAVE CHAPTER 11 UP FOR YOU GUYS TOMORROW SINCE I OWE IT TO U. Anyways, this closing statement is dragging on so I love you guys, and don't forget to vote and comment.- DRAMA TYPHOON OUTTIEEE <3

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