Chapter 11: The Real War Begins

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*Prior to you finding Yukine and Bishamon*
Your P.O.V.:
Your fingernails dug into the dirt of the ground as you screamed so loud, you were beginning to lose your voice.
The hot tears streaming down your face, the soreness in your throat, and your nose becoming irritated from sniffling so much, it was all vibrant.
It was as if it was in HD, and you were getting full front seat coverage of your own worst nightmare.
"Please, don't do this to me!!" You pleaded, as saliva ran from the corner of your mouth.
Sohe remained silent, continuing to drag you along the ground without interruption.
Medusa refrained from speaking too, as all she did was continue to walk forward.
"I WILL ALWAYS SERVE YATO, AND I WILL STAY BY HIS AND YUKINE'S SIDE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT!!" You roared as one of your fingerd slipped, and earned a grusome cut along its slender side.
You yelped in pain, as you contemplated giving up. Medusa had you in her clutches, and she's shown no signs of remorse or giving up.
It was over for you.
Suddenly, you all stopped, as Sohe dropped your legs on the ground in an instant.
You rubbed them as Medusa slowly began to close in on you.
"What? No more complaints? No more screaming or crying for help?" She questioned you, raising one of her scarlet eyebrows.
You breathed heavily, glaring at her through few stray hairs that covered your face.
"You will never get away with this." You growled, to which her thin lipped expression spread into a smile.
She cackled, dryness coating her throat.
"What is this, some kind of movie? Of course I'll get away with it. I always do." She explained, rising as she walked over to Sohe, and plucking one of his sleeves up.
There rested two symbols that tainted his pure tan skin as your eyes widened it shock.
"K-kuguha..?" His name barely escaped your lips as you becane drenched in fear.
There were two names on his wrist, the first being 彼は, and the second being 陸巴. Which meant he was also a nora.
"But no.. you're Bishamon's medic.. y-you're her regalia!" you stuttered, conflicted by the fact that you hadn't recognized him from before.
"Ever heard of an undercover agent, kid?" Kuguha asked with a hint of sarcasm.
You stared at the two in disbelief, while millions of questions ran through your mind.
'How is this possible?'
'How does Bishamon not know about this?'
"Well, now that you've figured out all the basics, I say its time for a naming ceremony."
Your body tensed up at those words. Your stomach turned as you felt a bit of stray bile rising in your throat.
Every cell in your body screamed 'no!' 'run!' or 'help!'
You backed against a tree, your eyes welling up with tears.
It was as if you were facing death again, your need to stay alive at its peek.
Medusa began to chant those familiar words, their meaning all too familiar to you.
Your teeth chattered, the hair on the back of your neck stood up, and your fingernails dug into the Earth.
She rose her hand in the air, a name appearing in the light as が.
" I now claim you as my regalia, Kuragari."
And with that, the blood red marking appeared above your collar bone, just above your right breast.
It burned your skin, the pain worse than any blight you'd ever experienced.
"Please.. please release me," You begged her, your hand squeezing where she claimed you.
"Now why would I do that when I've gone through all this trouble just to get you, darling?" She asked, an innocent play on her words.
"But I do know something I can do with you," She said with intents of evil laced within her voice.
Her palm opened, a mysterious coal toned cloud appearing inside of it.
"Not that I want you to blight me by disobeying my orders, so its probably best that I take care of everything else for now."
She said, waving her hand in your eyes.
With that, some unknown presence entered your body.
You lost all control besides your sight.
'What did you do to me..?!' You tried to call out, but she was even able to control what you could and couldn't say.

She gave a satisfied smile, before placing her hand on Kuguha's shoulder.
"Come, Soé." She game a simple command, and his body morphed into a sleek pistol.

Medusa placed the weapon in your hand, and you involuntarily took it.
"I've got a job for you, and its a good one. I want you to bring terror upon Yato. I want him to remember the death reflected in your pupils, the thick blood running from your hands. I want him to feel a loss, and I want him to never forget it. I want you to end Yukine's life."
Yukine's P.O.V.:
Carrying (Y/n) on my back, Bishamon and I stalked through the eeriness of the city. The area was secluded due to the explosion, and the only living things around were us.
"Do you have an idea where Medusa is?" I asked Bishamon, who was riding on top of Kuraha's back, her violet hues skeptical and untrusting.
"Somewhere lurking in the shadows I'm sure.."
My eyes skimmed the dark expanse of land before me. Medusa was terrifyig before she began to do all these things, and she's beyond a nightmare now.
She knows all our weaknesses, all of our strengths, all of her secrets, and we knew hardly anything related to that matter about her.
For that, she was darker than the shadows, and to me, that's truly terrifying.
"Wait.. stop." Bishamon haulted, her leather-gloved hand blocking me from going any further.

There was a slight whistling of the wind, and the rustling of leaves and bushes.
Gracefully, like a black cat, Medusa landed on the grounds before us, placing her hands on her hips.
"Took you long enough," She muttered with a flip of her twisted blood locks.
Bishamon placed her hands on her two handgun shinki resting on her hips.
"No more playing nice, Medusa. I trusted you once, but you.. you of all people slaughtered one of my shinki. Even after what that fool Yato has done to us.. How could you..?" Bishamon questioned, her eyes becoming entangled with a betrayed look.
Medusa rolled her eyes placing her fingers limply on her collar bone.
"You didn't care about that shinki. Otherwise, you would've called him a little more recently than thirty years ago Bishamon. Be honest, sister. You're just glad to have one less useless weapon lying around."
Medusa's words were cold, helpless.. vain.. and Bishamon wasn't okay with it. Surely she was in enough pain, but for her own sister to treat her like this?

Without warning, Bishamon focused the aim of her two guns on the center of Medusa's head, firing countless rounds of ammo without question.
Medusa dodged each bullet effortlessly, not a single bead of sweat threatning to form on her sickly skin.
She took her place behind a close oakwood tree, hiding from Bishamon's firing range.
"How could you say something like that, you... you vile bitch." Bishamon growl, her palms grinding into the handle of the pistols so fiercely, she was beginning to make a dent.
"I didn't come to fight you, Bishamon. I came to fight Yato. But if you insist on joining his side-"
"I am not on his side."
"Good. Then be a good little sister and don't intervene in my work." She called, still staying behind the tree.
"Now, Yukine.. I'm not quite finished with you. Do you remember your precious little sister Miyu? Ah what am I saying, of course you do. She's very forgetful from what I've observed. Wouldn't it be a shame if she forget all about her older brother Yukine?"
I froze at those words, my grip on (Y/n)'s legs becoming tighter and tighter by the second.
"Don't you dare go near my family, Medusa." I spat at her. She crossed on the wrong lines. Claiming (Y/n)..hurting Yato...killing Suzuha.. and now this..?
"Is that a threat, little boy?" She asked with a blood curling grin.
"Keep your fucking hands away from my little sister. No one's playing your dumb little games." My anger seething over.
The violet eyed woman clapped her hands together in satisfaction.
"Ah, just what I wanted. A challenge. Very well then. I guess I'll be taking your girlfriend's life, your little sister's and Yato's. How fun."
She finally revealed herself from the concealment of the tree, crossing her arms over her chest. "Just be warned, Yukine. You've just begun something you cannot stop. I will turn everything you've ever known into its own version of hell."
I gritted my teeth, standing my ground.
"Good, bring it on."

Hay yall. Ik i said i was supposed to this last week but oh well. And sorry if Yukine is super Out of Character. I tried. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment, and much more! Ily guys! <3- Drama Typhoon

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