Chapter 23: What It All Leads Up To

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Yukine's P.O.V:

"So this is the end of the road, eh?" I muttered jokingly to Yato, who was struggling to escape the ropes he was bound in.

"Pshh. They're drunk off their asses if they think they'll keep the great Yatogami..!" Yato spat confidently, finally managing to get one of his wrists free.

"Good job. That only took you what, 45 minutes..?" I snickered at his struggles.

"Shut it, Yuki. Wait.. actually, I  have an idea.."


"Since my hand is free, you could become your blades and I could cut myself out!"

His bright eyes gleamed as I lowered my eyes at him in disappointment.

"That'll totally work. Y'know except for the fact that I have to get all the way across the room to you."

"No need for a plan at all, guys! Your savior is here!"
(Y/n)'s head popped from around the corner as she gave a cheeky smile.

"(Y/N)!!! You are faithful after all!" Yato cheered excitedly, as she giggled in response.

"Yeah, I'm faithful. Just be quiet so we can get out of here," (Y/n) responded, as she undid my bound wrists.

"I-I'm glad you're okay," I sputtered silently.

She smiled, pressing a small kiss against my cheek.

"I'm just glad you're not completely terrified of me yet." The corners of her mouth fading a bit into a frown.

She went over to free Yato, and as soon as she did so, he wrapped the two of us together in a group hug.

"The gangs' all here, guys!" He stated happily, ruffling both (Y/n) and I's hair.

"Let's try to end today in one piece, okay?"

He seemed worried about something.  I mean, he's usually concerned about (Y/n) and I's well being, but he just seemed, cautious about us now. We were dealing with the heavens after all.. maybe he wasn't sure we'd all make it out of the storm this time..

"What's up with you? Why are you so giddy all of a sudden?" I asked him suspiciously, moving away from his hold.

"We just survived a battle with the heavens, who the hell wouldn't be giddy?" He questioned  it was obvious.

(Y/n) eyed me, as she seemed cautious of where I was planning on going with this.

"I guess.. its just.. when we had to save (Y/n).. you.. you froze up out there.. Why is that?"

His eyes widened, and the playful aura surrounding him had immediately simmered down.

His lips were pursed, as he remained silent for a moment. He seemed as if he was carefully picking out a good choice of words.

"I just.. I was thinking, that's all."

(Y/n) then put a supportive hand on his shoulder, shocking the both of us.

"You were thinking of Sakura. You were afraid you were going to lose me just like you lost her, weren't you?"

"(Y/n)..." Her name barely escaped my lips, and before I knew it, tears were cascading down the ominous god's face.

"She said she's proud of you, Yato. She isn't upset with what you've done."

"H-how d-do you know that?" Yato asked her somberly.

"Let's just say we have this sort of connection. That's probably why we're so similar," She gave him a cheesy smile, to which he gave into her.

His face fell into her shoulder, and she opened her arms for a supportive hug.

I'll Never Let You Go Yukine x Reader SequelWhere stories live. Discover now