Chapter 24: Yuki Sato

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*2 years ago*

Your P.O.V:

"Seven, the answer is seven." A girl named Yui answered happily from across the room.

You and math in general were never one to get along much, and Yui showing off her intelligence didn't make you feel much better.

"That's correct," You teacher responded with a small smile.

You rolled your eyes, and began doodling on your paper.

'This is so dumb.. when am I ever gonna need this in life..?!' You thought angrily to yourself.

"Alright, I'm going to pass back the test you took last class. Most of you did fairly well." Your teacher announced, beginning to pass everyone their tests.

You cringed a bit, and blew a strand of hair out of your face.

'Just great,'

Minute by minute you were becoming more and more irritated.

Your teacher reached you at last, her eyes lowering as she placed your test face down.

You gulped, picking up the edge of the paper with the edge of your fingernails.


Your eyes widened at your grade as you gritted yor teeth.

'Mom and Dad are going to kill me,'

Not only was that the only factor of stressing you out, but also you studied your ass off for it. It was frustrating to work so hard and get this score in return.

"(Y/n), what did you get?!" Yuki, a friend of yours, cheerfully asked you from the desk diagonal to yours.

"Yuki.. you're just gonna judge me for it.. " You muttered in disappointment, placing yout test face down once again.

"I won't, besides, chances are I probably did worse than you."

"Really..? What did you get..?" You asked him in curiosity.

"84%... I was really hoping for an A+ this time.." Yuki growled silently.

Your eyes widened at the sound of his score.

"W-when did you get so good at math..?" You asked him in shock.

"I don't know it just all clicks in my head. But I know you got a better score, so why are you even asking me that..?" Yuki said playfully.

You gulped, and then sighed.

"I didn't. I got 63% even though I studied for hours.. my parents are gonna kill me." You explained, your head smacking onto your desk.

Expecting Yuki to silently shun you, you were surprised to feel his hand comforting you.

"Hey.. don't sweat it. It happens even to the best of us," He said as his bright sunset eyes complimented his cheeky smile.

'Suddenly.. Yuki just got really cute.'

Attempting to suppress your blush, you turned his attention away from you.

"Well you're one to talk.. you got a great score! I just wish I was as smart as you. Wait.. actually.. could you tutor me..?!" You asked him excitedly.

His eyes widened in surprise at your sudden eagerness.

"W-well I don't know, (Y/n).. I don't think I'm good enough to tutor you,"
Yuki sputtered, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

I'll Never Let You Go Yukine x Reader SequelWhere stories live. Discover now