Chapter 18: Found

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Yukine's P.O.V.:

"So you're sure? (Y/n) hasn't been here at all?" I asked wryly.

Mayu shook her head somberly. "Believe me, I'd do anything to help out a regalia of Yato's, but she hasn't been around since the last time you all visited."

I sighed, kicking the gravel on the ground in irritation.

"Oh okay.. well thanks anyways."

"If you need any help from Tenjin and the rest of us, just let us know. We all care about (Y/n) just as much as you and Yato do." Mayu offered with a small sympathetic smile.

I nodded, turning back to Daikoku's car, in which Hiyori, himself, Yato, and Kofuku were patiently waiting.

I opened the door only to be bombarded by countless questions about (Y/n)'s whereabouts.

"Did you find her?!"

"Is she there?!"

"Is she okay?"

I shook my head 'No,' in disappointment.

Everyone's face fell, except for Yato's. He looked more heated than upset.

"Well she has to be somewhere. We're not gonna stop looking until we find her." He stated sturdily, his eyes glowering into the world outside of the window.

"Well if she isn't at Tenjin's and Bishamon hasn't seen her, then what other place is there for us to look? (Y/n) could be anywhere." Daikoku announced, his hands tensely gripping the wheel.

"She isn't at the river.. we've checked there already. Maybe.. she's near her Suzuha's memorial?" Hiyori suggested, tapping her fingernails lightly upon the arm of her seat.

My eyes lit up in hope. Maybe she just went to visit Suzuha..maybe she's fine after all!

"Yato... can you get any sort of read on her? Anything that might show that she's there? Or maybe even by her parent's house?" I questioned him frantically.

This may have been our best chance at finding (Y/n), and we need to utilize it to our advantage.

"I wish I could, but I can't. Like I said, with her being a Nora now, her connection to my own mind is like trying to hear with cotton in your ears." Yato restated blandly, leaning his head on his elbow.

"I think... I think we should go to Suzuha's memorial first. Maybe she just wanted to visit him on her own.. just to have a little time to herself!" Kofuku said enthusiastically, practically bouncing out of her seat much to Daikoku's dismay.

"Well.. it's not like she's going to turn up here. We might as well start heading there," Yato muttered, his eyes pushing Daikoku to begin driving.

With that, and a bit of persistent bickering between Yato and Daikoku because of Yato's attitude, the five of us were off.

The day was gloomy, and Spring had not bothered to show its presence. There was a chilled breeze, and the usual vibrancy of Suzuha's beloved sakura tree had faded. The pink petals had become a mere salmon, and the bark looked as insipid as dirt.

I stood in the middle of the field, the absence of both (Y/n) and Suzuha slowlycreeping upon me.

"She should be here.." I whispered, not taking my eyes off of the tree. The bouquet of flowers we'd left from last weekend leaned weakly upon the tree. They had wilted, the petals crumbling in the grass.

"..She has to be here.." I gritted my teeth, my fists curling in anger.

My eyes shut, tears running and cheeks burning.

I'll Never Let You Go Yukine x Reader SequelWhere stories live. Discover now