She's a Fighter; Chapter Nine

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Reed took me by the hand and led me.

“Where are we going?” I asked. I was really excited.

“It’s a surprise.” he said, with a smirk on his face.

I squirmed in my seat. Reed never let go of my hand while he was driving.We were definitely out of town, now. It was 10 o’clock.

I sent a quick mass text to Faye, Caleb, and Troy telling them I’d be out late and not to wait up for me. I heard my phone buzz, getting replies. I payed no mind. My attention was on Reed and where he would possibly take me.

It was a fairly long drive, filled with conversation. We were still virtually strangers. I don’t know about him, but I didn’t know the first thing about him.

We played 20 (or more..) questions to make easy conversation. It started off shallow, like whether or not I liked Mayweather. (I DON’T) Then, it got a little more serious leading into relationships and family problems. I hate talking about stuff like that, on the first date, and in general.

“You can trust me.” he said. Can I?

“It’s not that. It’s just hard for me to talk about.”

He squeezed my hand, and told me that it was okay and maybe we’d talk about it later.

“So do I get another date with the beautiful Ms. Price?”

“That all depends on how good this date is going to be.”

“Ha, so how’s it been going?”

“I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, if I agree to another date.”

Honestly, I wasn’t contemplating it at all. Every moment with him was precious to him. I don’t know if he made me happy but he definitely got me going. I was smiling, a lot and more than usual. I get nervous around him, and I think it’s worse than when I have to fight. Some chick might pound my face in, even though that’d never happen, yet I’m more nervous about looking stupid in front of Reed.

We arrived at a beach house, that appeared to be his. He led me inside the beautiful house. Reed picked up a blanket and a some sparkling wine, which was far off from the cheap beer we just drank at the bar.

I kept staring at everything. I tried to take in everything that was in the house. The beautiful marble statues and paintings nicely adorned the home.

“You live here?” I asked. I always dreamed of living near the beach, but I was always scared of high tide ruining it.

“No, it’s just my little beach house, where I like to unwind. I love the water.”

“Well it’s a beautiful home.”

“Thank you.”

He put out his hand for me to take as he opened the back door. The roaring ocean was there. The persistent waves crashing into one another. The sound of water to me is so peaceful.

The beach’s sand almost sparkled under the moonlight. Everything was perfect.

Reed laid down the blanket and wine. We sat down, amidst the stars.

“Wow.” is all I could say.

“Welcome to my safe haven.”

“This is extremely beautiful. I am kind of jealous.”

“Wow rich Carter Price jealous of moi?”

I nodded.

I just kept saying it was beautiful. I kept looking up at the sky and the waves. It was silent, but a comfortable one. It was the type of comfortable silence you dream of having with some of the closest people in your lives. I felt like sitting there silent meant more to me than any cheesy conversation.

“Shhh. You’re beautiful.” he said after I pointed out for the hundredth time that it was beautiful.

I started blushing. We moved from our current positions of laying back with our hands for support to me putting my forehead on his shoulder for quite a bit of time. That led to him wrapping his arms around my waist which led us to to laying on the blanket with our wrapped around each other.

He took me home, kissed my hand, said goodbye, and left.

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