She's a Fighter; Chapter Twenty

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Faye's POV

"Well, she you know." I said, not being able to force the words out.

"Uh, sorry I don't." Reed mutters. Of course he doesn't. They probably haven't even talked about it. I guess I had to get over myself and just tell him.

I start off by saying that Carter was extremely close to the title fight. She was breaking new boundaries. She was amazing. I didn't understand how she had all that energy fight after fight. I mean she was pretty energized, even for someone who was speedy. She crushed everyone in her path. She had lost her third to last fight. It was supposed to be just another fight, but she lost. It was something the audience and her whole crew couldn't comprehend. Then I overheard her telling Caleb about some pills she needed. That was what was helping her. I pushed it to the back of my mind, hoping it was nothing serious. I just wished they were pills for her disorder. But they weren't.

I remembered clear as day what happened~

"Oh, so mommy's little girl needs some more pills? Well that's too bad." Carter's mother spat with an insane smile on her face.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT and - and you know who's going to believe you? If you rat me out, you go down with me." Carter spat.

"Oh, honey, but I don't. I could easily just leak a pic or two of you taking the pills... You didn't really think that I'd let you out of my sight? Oh you did? How cute."

Carter ran to the house they used to live in and started wrecking the place, making sure that there were no more cameras. She made sure of that. She wrecked the whole house. When Caleb and Troy and coach found her they had to sedate her cause she was so mad. Her blood was literally boiling. You could feel the heat radiate off her.

When she woke up, she was calm, but troubled. She knew that her whole career was on the line. Her whole future that took her forever to earn was about to just get taken away from her.

"Caleb, what the hell do you think I was doing there? Chatting up on good memories. NEWSFLASH, their aren't any." She yelled in reply to what Caleb was lecturing about. I couldn't believe she had all that energy after she'd been sedated.

"It doesn't matter, you could've let us know you were fucking okay, or told us that you were at the bookstore or something. Jesus."

"OH, SO YOU WANTED ME TO LIE? Why? So you could feel better about yourself? Caleb, I'm screwed up and sometimes I am going to go out in the world and do stupid shit. That is fucking envitable. You can sedate me and sedate me again and that still won't prevent me from making mistakes. Plus, the fuck did you want me to say? OH, YEAH, BTW YOU GUYS JUST AT THE BOOKSTORE AT 2 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Perfectly goddamn normal, right? I didn't tell you so you'd be okay. If I told you, you would've freaked out and gone after me and then she would've come and tried to kill one of you. So sorry, if I was trying to look out for you."

"Don't blame him! It's not his fault that he was worried, when you were going out getting high on who knows what with who knows who." the coach says.

"Oh, fuck you all. The whole reason you're living so luxuriously is because of me and now all of a fucking sudden when that there might be a possiblity of that not happening anymore, you look at me to blame. Fuck you and fuck you and fuck you all." She said as she stormed out.

"Before she left, she just looked at me, like I was at fault for just standing there and doing nothing," I say icily. 

"It wasn't your fault," he replies, "you know that, of all people, like she said she's going to do stupid shit and I know it was just... it was just the bipolar speaking." he says hastily.

"You're wrong and you know that. You know that the bipolar and she aren't two different things. They are one and if you plan on sticking with her, you gotta understand that. She's amazing and her bipolar is one of the many things that make her amazing." I spat at him and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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