She's a Fighter; Chapter Seventeen

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“Carter!? What the hell is wrong with you? What were you thinking letting her in? TROY ISN’T HERE AND WHO KNOWS WHEN BACKUP WILL COME!”

I was so frustrated. Why was he getting mad at me? It’s not like she was after him.

I walked away and waited patiently to meet my doom. “Hello, Bellatrix.”

“Hello.” I answer back at Hayleigh. A million flashbacks pop back up as I hear the name. I shake myself out of it.

“Baby, what’s she talking about? Your name’s Carter.” Reed says. I totally was oblivious to his presence in the room. I’ve been so out of it, lately. I haven’t been sleeping, or eating any decent meals. I was so tired, physically and emotionally. Yet, this was only the beginning.

“It is. I just.. I just changed my name.” Everyone, but Reed was calm and unstirred. Everyone seemed not to be surprised, almost like they expected it. It was comforting, yet agitating.

Reed’s eyes had become so wide. He looked so surprised, even though he was trying to suppress it. Buddy, if this is hard for you, imagine how I feel.

“How’ve you been, Bells? I see the industry is doing you well. How ya’ takin’ care of yourself, babe?”

Her voice is like someone running their nails on a blackboard. Others, well not knowing her might consider her voice, like silk.

“Fine. Now, what do you really want?” I spit out. No point of beating around the bush.

She chuckles lowly, “Awe, c’mon Bells, why are you being so rude? I know taught you better than that.”

Anger was building at the pit of my stomach, but my fear of her was greater than any of my other feelings.

“Well, anyways, I just needed a favor, darlin’. Rousey’s good and all; but she’ll never beat you. I know the industry too well.”

Rousey was legendary. She’s been in the UFC all her life; all I’ve done was underground fights.

“And what do you want me to do?” I asked.

Everyone was silent, but their presence couldn’t be any more noticeable. It was like having an audience.

“You’re gonna fight her... and lose.”

I shudder. This title fight meant everything to me.

“See, Bells, I’m in a fix; I owe some people money and I’m too invested in Rousey for her to lose.”

“So, what makes you think I’ll agree?” She sighs interested. She seems almost bored and annoyed that this isn’t over with already.

“See, Bells, Reed’s folks happen to “business partners” with me and Faye, hi honey, well let’s just say her family’s been spending a lot of time with me. Caleb can kiss his career goodbye; sorry, Caleb, maybe being an RN isn’t what you’re meant to be. Also your coach is so weak; for someone who’s job it is to train people to be strong enough, what a pity.”

She kept going on about everyone in my team. What have I done? I can’t believe I dragged everyone into this.

“Oh, and also you’ll do this because you’ll obey your mother. Sorry, sweetie, but maybe you should work on your loose ends next time; you know if there is a next time.” She laughs a maniacal laughter, while certainty fills her eyes.

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