Hell is Coming

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[[ The above picture is of Derek, if any of you were wondering what he looked like ]]

That night Mark and I ordered two tickets to Boston Massachusetts, no, not for the two of us. For Ashley and I. She volunteered to come with me, it is strange to think that someone who has been gone so long but it feels like she never left me.

We were always close, we were inseparable from 3rd grade on. She stuck up for me, I stuck up for her. We had a lot of the same hobbies and stuff. We just clicked instantly, there was none of that awkward small talk stage shit.

"Ive only been on a plane, one time dude. When we left Massachusetts the first time." She grabbed my hand and literally killed it with a death grip.

"Don't be scared, the flight is long as hell which sucks. But I'll be right beside you the whole time Ash." I reassured her, I didn't let go of her hand. Because I could tell that was the only thing keeping her between calmness and freaking the fuck out.

"We better head toward the gate." She uttered in a shaky whisper.

"WAIT LADIES." I heard a very loud Mark Fischbach coming our way. I turned around to see all of our bags being thrown around and rolled up to us. I giggled when I saw him carrying a bright pink suitcase on his wrist.

"I love you." He said, throwing it all down like it didn't exist. He caressed my face and our lips interlocked. I let go of Ashley's hand slowly.

"Gaaaaaag." Ashley groaned, I looked to see her standing there with her arms crossed.

"You're just jealous!" Mark stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms. Probably to make fun of her. But there's not much he could do to make fun of her. He was the one standing in the middle of an airport with warfstache pajama pants, which did have a gigantic hole in the crotch. Slippers, to be more specific, Happy Wheels slippers. And his signature "home is where the pants aren't" t-shirt. Then to top it all off, the messiest I've ever seen, what his subscribers call, floof.

I just stood there, hugging him tightly until I literally had to walk away. He said one last thing to me before I did, "send that dick to jail." I smiled and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and smacked himself in the face with that hand. I laughed and smiled, one more time before I walked away. That was 5 days ago, now I'm here, at my old house. I only had a day to get my stuff out of it. So as soon as I landed my mom called uhaul. We couldn't technically drive them back because I was gonna be here for as long as this trial lasted. So my stuff would be on its way to Mark's. I didn't bring many big things. Some kitchen shit and then my clothes and stuff. But I donated anything else major to goodwill. I let out a deep breath as I watched them pack stuff away into the two trucks.

"You're tense as fuck, the trials not until tomorrow. I'm taking you out man. Karaoke night like we used to." At first I didn't say anything, the words brought back the many memories of when we'd do that every weekend. I just nodded. She gave me a playfully smack in the back and said "you're literally the strongest person I know EmB, don't let this be the thing that breaks you." I nodded wearily at first. But after her words hit me, I nodded confidently. I was sure, so sure he'd be put away for a long time. "Thanks Ash." I smiled because for once in my life, everything was going my way.

I got a text from a strange number, "Hello Emberly Cherish, my names not important but I have something to show you that you may find.... Interesting." I just stopped in my tracks when Ashley and I were on our way back to my car. She turned to me from feet away, "Em, what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost." She laughed a tiny bit but then her face turned to stone when she realized I wasn't.

"I know where you are, I know you're not there. But here honey have this link to the latest Markiplier interview." It was followed by a link, I was hesitant to click it. But I looked at Ashley for reassurance and she nodded. So, I did. It brought me to the Fine Bros. channel, the ones who do youtubers react videos, and there it read "The Man Behind The Channel : Markiplier". I swallowed hard, hearing it myself. I pressed play, of course, an ad followed first. I let out a deep breath, and finally it started.

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