Chapter 13

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CARMEN AND LIVIA'S ROOM WAS RATHER SMALL. The Simpson family had the biggest rooms in the house. Their room was painted a very light pink, with hardwood flooring. On one corner of the room was a bunk bed set. The top bunk was a twin, which was Carmen's bed since she is the smallest in the house. The bottom bunk was a full sized bed, which was good enough for Livia. There was throw pillows of the floor, probably because of Barkley, who was currently sitting in a pet bed in front of Livia's bed. On the other end of the room, left to the window, was a pink rug, with a pink table over, a pink armchair, and a pink beanbag with a pillow. Carmen's ugly pink diary was also on the floor. Furthermore, Carmen had two canvas drawings on the wall beside her bed, and a flower wall decal. Lastly, they had a pink flower chandelier coming down from the ceiling.

Livia didn't stop pacing. She just kept muttering Brandon's name over and over again. Eventually, I got up, grabbed her arm and pulled her to her bed. She stopped.

"Shut up, Livia!" I yelled.

She wiped the tears from her face. "I'm sorry Ceci."

"What happened between you and Brandon?"

Barkley jumped on the bed and snuggled in between Livia and I. "He's saying he's not liking our relationship, Ceci! He doesn't care anymore!"

These two...

If it's not Brandon, It's Livia. If it's not Livia, it's Brandon. And if it's not neither of them, it's Barkley. The thing with "Bravia" is they sometimes lose all their confidence on silly things and start yelling at each other. Brandon is a bit of a yeller, just like young dad was. Livia is very pessimistic, which Mum says she probably got it from her father, Benny. Anyhow, this happens 2-3 times a month, so, be prepared to hear it often.

I started shushing her so she could calm down. "Livia, you're very stupid. That's one. Two. You know how Brandon is. He will never change."

She wiped the tears from her face. "You're right. Brandon will never change. Why even bother telling myself that he will? He won't." She got up and stood in front of me. "Thanks. I know what I must do now."

I stood up too. "You're welcome. Anytime Liv."

Livia gave me a weak smile. She was a fighter. I know it. I didn't know what she was going to do, but, I knew it was going to be something she was proud now.

I left her room and went down the stairs to go work on my homework. I will forever hate homework, however, I need to do it if not I'll never stop getting homework. I wish I could do the same with detentions and suspensions.


Dad came home at almost 10. Brenda stayed up with me downstairs along with Tatiana. Tati hasn't spoken all evening. She's been awfully quiet. Brenda even did my hair. She made a bloody good bun in my hair, and then put my red beanie over. She made herself a long braid. When Dad came, he was exhausted and famished. Lucky for him, Brenda made dinner along with Mrs. Morgana and Mrs. Ailany. If you don't know who they are, Mrs. Ailany is our nanny, even though we don't need her. She works part time here, so, she's only here on weekdays from 15:30-21:45. Mrs. Morgana is one of the maids, however, she just comes on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Sometimes, she comes on weekends to talk with Mum and give her company.

Dad didn't say anything. He was quiet, just like everyone in this house. Carmen and Livia were asleep. Brandon has been out all evening and hasn't returned. Toby went to Jamie's house to accompany her (more like make out with her). So, it was just me, Brenda, and Tatiana who were awake.

In the middle of his meal, dad broke down. Tatiana rushed to him and sat in front of him.

"What's wrong-"

Dad cut her off, grabbing her by her arm and pulling her up. "I don't want to see you! Go to your fucking room and stay there!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I've never seen him so mad either. "Did you not hear me? GO!!!" Tatiana ran crying. Dad cried harder. "I'm so sorry girls." He wiped some tears from his face.

"What's wrong with mum?" I daringly asked.

He looked at me, not daring to look me in the eyes. "She has it."

Brenda gasped. I held onto Brenda. "No."

"It's small though. They say she has a chance to get rid of it."

"Then that's good!" I shrieked.

Dad put his hand up. "That's not all."

My smile didn't last long. I looked at Brenda again. "What else, Dad?" Brenda asked.

"They have to stabilise her before it's too late."


"But I pray that Tammy will be fine." He started crying again. "She's the love of my life. I can't lose her. I don't know what would happen if I did!" I sat on Dad's lap. He put his arms around my chest. "Oh Ceci. If only you knew what goes on."

I looked at him. "Don't worry daddy. That's why I'm young."

He gave me a soft smile. "Oh I love you." He kissed my forehead. He reached for Brenda and put an arm around her. Brenda crouched down and dad kissed her cheek. "Ladies, you should go to sleep. Especially you, Ceci. You have school tomorrow."

"But Mum is more important!" I whined.

"No buts. I know your mum is very important right now, but, school is too. Be responsible for once Ceci and take responsibility for your actions and priorities."

If only dad knew...

Hello! :) I just want to say I'm thinking about updating twice a week! :D drumroll please! I just really love this book and the outfits I'm making. But wait! There's more! This week is a special update week. I'm going to update everyday for one week only. Then, I'll return to just updating on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

I'm thinking about making this book about 50 chapters like Let's Shine. What do you think? I just feel like there's so much to tell about Ceci. There's also so many secrets that must be revealed. Don't you think? ;)

Twitter: LeahandPati
Instagram: Redpaws0415

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