Chapter 35

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SAMUEL BALL WAS IN ROOM 113, INTENSIVE CARE UNIT, IN STABLE CONDITION BUT ON SUICIDE WATCH. They were going to move him tomorrow to a regular room so he can recover from his wounds. As soon as the nurse saw me enter, she smiled. I only caught a glimpse of her name, Maryann, as she left Samuel and I alone. I wished she hadn't left me there with him so I could only leave without suspicion and not have to speak. Since she left me, I had to talk to fill the silence, the uncomfortable silence that enveloped us.

I sat down in the cushioned armchair near his bed. I touched his tussled dirty blond hair and felt how greasy it felt. It feels like it hasn't been washed or properly cared for in days, maybe even weeks. It brought memories back when I would play with his hair as he played video games with Daniel, Oliver, Vance, Joseph, and Car. We would all stay together after school sometimes when our parents were working. Normally, we would stay with Aunt Tallia and Uncle Aussie as we waited for each and every one of our parents to pick us up. Tati, Bran and Liv would stay with Toby at the industry since they didn't like coming with us. Sometimes, they would even go with Aunt Jewels shopping. I was never allowed to go.

I looked down at my outfit. I wanted to look a little mean today and I suddenly regretted it. I was wearing a pair of ripped leggings with plaid covering in the rips and tears, a pair of bright red leather shorts over, a loose black shirt that was tied at the end, and the black Vans I only wore when we went out. I had a pair of velvet, fingerless gloves over and my nails were painted red. I also wore my fedora so I could feel English like Dad. I didn't wear anything on my face and I felt very pale as I quietly observed Samuel Ball.

The beat of his heartbeat on the machine that was watching it was the only sounds I heard as I touched his hand. It was moving at a rapid pace and it worried me. His hands were cold and rigid. They were hard and limp, making me think about how a dead person would feel. He's not dead though. Stop thinking that. His hospital top and his sweatpants that were sticking out since he wasn't tucked in properly made me remember nights that I would stay there, with him, in his bedroom. I would always sleep in his bed and he would sleep on the floor. I would fall asleep inhaling his smell.

"Samuel, I know you can hear me. I know you can feel me touching you and here beside you as I speak." I started, feeling tears in my eyes again. "But I'm here to end things once and for all. The right way. It's about time that I tell you how I feel." I took a deep breath before I continued.

   "Sammy, I've always liked you, ever since I was barely ten years old. I've always wanted to be with you. To me, it was written in my destiny, you know? I always wanted to be your girl. No one else's. I did everything with you. We were best friends with one another, fighting everyone else. Well, I was.

   "Did you ever notice that I was trying to capture your attention by fighting others. I thought that that was the girl you wanted me to be. Rebellious Ceci, everyone's favourite bad girl. Cecilia Simpson, the girl most likely to get suspended in five minutes for fighting someone who messed with her or talked bad about her mother. Remember? Everyone used to say stuff about my mum just so I can throw them against a wall and beat them up. But everyone loved my dad. We were celebrities at school, Sammy.

   "I was the daughter of two celebrities, like Oliver. You were the daughter of one celebrity and a powerful business woman. It was bound to happen. Especially hanging in Simpsam after school and running around always. What didn't we do? We did so much together. And what happened? I see you holding hands with Rebecca Lancaster, who's about two years older than you.

   "That hurt more than anything in the world. I felt my heart break and all I wanted to do was run away. We all knew that it would happen soon, but not that soon, when my mum was in the hospital and my dad was completely wasted. But there you were, with Becca, making me feel awful inside. I wanted to die, Samuel. I wanted to get this pain over with, but I didn't. I didn't cut my veins over something as insignificant as Samuel Dean Ball not loving me the way I loved him. That's why I moved to Springfield, to get away from everyone who thought I was a monster.

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