Chapter 61

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TOBY COULDN'T CONTAIN HIS EXCITEMENT throughout the whole ride to Birmingham. His fingers tapped against the windows and his feet kept tapping on the floor. I could also tell part of his excitement was anxiety being a car once more, as he hasn't ridden one prior to his accident. Jamie held onto his hand and she rested her head on his shoulder, hoping to put him more at ease, however, that didn't seem to happen because he kept on tap-tap-tapping his feet and looking from the window, to the floor, to Jamie, to me, and back and forth.

Back at the hospital, we had gotten him dressed in a pair of joggers and a jumper Cala had found in the laundry. It seemed to fit him well, the joggers I mean. The jumper was a bit big on Toby, reminding me about Mum in Dad's old jumpers. Cala couldn't find him shoes, so he left in his hospital socks and slippers and his robe as a blanket because he was complaining that it was cold. In his belongings, we found his watch, which was stuck at one time: 11:17; his wallet, which had a few crumpled bills and a burnt piece of plastic, which was most likely his driver's license that must've gotten burnt in his accident. That was another reason why no one identified him as Toby Simpson, rather than Nathaniel Simpson, who probably wasn't in the system.

While dressing him, Jamie told me he had a few burns on his back and one on his shoulder. She also saw many bruises, still healing, and a lot more scars, especially one that peeked under his hair, by his neck. We both discussed how horrible the bloody accident was, however, we were grateful that Toby was still alive and still kicking life beside us.

In the taxi, Jamie tried conversing with him but he didn't seem to budge. She asked him about what he remembers, and told him minutiae about Estefania, who gurgled in front of her father and reached for him. Toby tried, and I know he did, as he asked about his daughter and responded to some of the questions his long-time girlfriend asked, but he, he just just froze and let anxiety take over.

Jesse, on the other hand, looked more at ease with my and his relationship. After meeting Toby, he had some questions for me, mostly asking me about my childhood in Birmingham. He asked what were some good memories, how school was like, and what were the best things to do in England.

"Hmmm... a good memory would be... oh I know. Jamie I think you remember this one. Toby had taken me to a park up in... oh dear lord, where was it? I think it was in Dorset, where your dad is from, James, and us three had a picnic together. There was so much going on in the park that they gave us free ice cream. I remember Toby got Baby Gaga ice cream and he refused to eat it. They also gave us bubble and squeak, which was very delicious, but they tried feeding me spotted dick, which I refused to it. It was a day full of weird surprises and at the end, I got to skateboard by the beach, as Toby and Jamie followed behind."

"That sounds like fun, Cupcake. What's Baby Gaga Ice Cream?" Jesse asked innocently.

Jamie, Toby, and I burst into giggles. "Are you sure you want to know?"

His eyes opened wide as he debated whether or not he wanted to know. "Tell me."

"It's ice cream... made from human breast milk."

Jesse puked a bit in his mouth. "Eww! Why, why in the world would the English eat that?"

"English have weird tastes in food. Spotted dick, it's their weird dish too. Same as bubble and squeak, but bubble and squeak is different because it actually tastes good."

"I'll have to try it." He responded, reaching for my hand.

"I'll have to make it for you, dearest."

At that moment, we were in our neighbourhood. Toby knew it too, as he sat up straight and sighed. "I remember it. I remember here."

"It's our neighbourhood, Toby. I'm glad you remember it."

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