Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Annie? C’mon Cresta I’m tired of this game, I give up, you win!” Finnick called out in an annoyed tone. I saw him run his hands through his bronze hair, and look around to see if he saw me. I giggled as I stepped out from some branches behind him. “Wow Finn, you almost made it to a minute!” I said between laughs. Finnick had saved my life about 3 years ago, and we had been friends ever since. Finnick sighed in frustration when he saw me. “I don’t know why I even bother playing Hide and Seek with you anymore, you win every time, it’s getting old!” He complained. I couldn’t help but laugh at his many attempted failures of finding me over the years. He said my talent for hiding was supernatural almost, and that there was no fun in playing the game anymore. I walked next to him as we headed to the beach hear his house and my parents shop. I laid a towel in the sand to sit in and Finnick went behind some bushes to look for something. “What are you looking for?” I asked. “My fishing stick, found it!” He said in an amused tone and held the simple wooden stick in his hand as if he was going to command an army. I laughed at his ridiculous expression and shock my head. Here we go again... Finnick went head first into the water and stood as still as possible, with the stick in his hand. The sun made the gold and bronze streaks in his hair shine even more. His face was stern and his eyebrows were scrunched in concentration. After a minute of seeing him so still, I decided to walk by the shoreline and pick up a few seashells so my mother could make some jewelry. 

After a good 15 minutes or so, I decided to head back to where Finnick was. He was still looking at the water ready to stab anything that moved with his stick. “C’mon, just a bit closer and...Aja!” He exclaimed stabbing something quickly. He lifted his stick back up only to reveal all he had caught had been a piece of seaweed. “Did you see that Annie? I almost had it! I’m telling you Cresta, one day I will be known as ‘Finnick Odair, the best fisherman in District 4!” He said filled with enthusiasm and got out of the water to sit next to me. “Yeah, Finn. Keep telling that to yourself.” I said sarcastically. Everyday he told me the same thing, and everyday all he caught was seaweed and some barnacle. The cool breezes blew my hair into my face and I kept moving it out of the way, so it wouldn’t get into my mouth. “How can you stand just sitting around all day, and never going into the water? Honestly Annie, how could you have lived in District 4 your whole life and not know how to swim? That’s practically a Capitol offense!” He said jokingly and ran his hands once again through his hair, flexing his muscles. I rolled my eyes at his inability to understand why I didn’t know how to swim. “I told you Finn, my parents made nets for a living, I didn’t need to learn how to swim! Besides, why would I want to roll around all those animal infested waters, Im much better here on land.” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Finnick threw some sand at me feet and then at my face. “Stop it! You know I hate the sand!” I shrieked and he laughed. “Please, you and your fancy nets. If you really want something challenging, try fishing. Now that requires some skills! It’s much more complex than tying knots all day! It’s because of fishermen like me that you have food on your table, much more important than making nets!” He said amused and closed the proximity between us. “Oh really?” I said and crossed my arms. “Really.” He said in a low voice, almost a whisper. I stared right into his eyes, and could make out almost every color; shades of turquoise, aqua, sea green, pine green, even flecks of gold! I watched as the colors clashed with each other, sort of like the waves clashing on the shore. “Wanna bet Finn? I bet you can’t finish a net. Besides, if it were up to you Finn, we would have all starved to death a long time ago.” I said smirking. The sun was beginning to set and I reminded myself I had to be home before 6. I started to get up and pick my stuff when Finnick grabbed my hand. “What’s in it for me if I finish the net?” He asked. I thought for a while “Hmm... I’ll let you teach me how to swim” I said and he finally let me go. I started to walk away and heard his voice behind me say “It’s a bet Cresta, one I’ll be sure to win!” I laughed at his over-confidence. “Sure Finnick.” I said and turned back, only to see Finnick Odair’s dashing face smiling at me in amusement before I left...

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