Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I twisted and turned in my bed, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I woke up in a holt, with sweat dripping down my forehead. It was just another nightmare. I sat up straight on the bed and turned on the lamp besides my bed. “Annie...” I murmured to myself. I examined the room, which I was still trying to get used to. White and grey walls surrounded me, making the room seem colder than what it already was. I rubbed my templates, trying to push all the thoughts in my head aside. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. When I looked myself in the mirror, I almost didn’t recognize myself. My hair stuck up in different directions, beads of sweat were running down my forehead and I had big bags under my eyes from obvious lack of sleep. What had happened to me? I hadn’t had a goodnight sleep ever since I had gotten picked as a tribute for the Quarter-Quell. Even after I got here, to the bunker on District 13 where we were supposed to be ‘safe’, I hadn’t been able to sleep much. Only 3 of us had made it here, the others were either captured by the Capitol, or dead. “Annie...” My thoughts echoed. I could feel a lump forming in my throat and the tears forming in my eyes, as the image of a girl with emerald green eyes and flowing curly brown hair formed in my mind. I punched the wall in frustration and began to rub my templates again. I took quick short breaths to try and calm down, but it wasn’t working. Was she dead? Was she in the Capitol? What would they do to her, or even worse, what had they already done to her? So many more questions swirled around in my head. My hands were shaking, and my lip was quivering. Every single memory I had of her started forming in my mind. I closed my eyes and dug my hands in my pockets, looking for the little piece of rope the medics had given me. They had told me I would most likely be suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I had heard of them before, since Annie would sometimes suffer from them, but I had never actually experienced one... That is, until now. I chest felt tight and head was pounding, I felt as if I was about to explode. I held the piece of rope tightly in my hands and began doing various knots with it. The medics had said that whenever I felt anxious, I should occupy my mind by doing something else. They had given me this rope, so I could entertain myself and calm down, but it didn’t seem to be working too well. I continued to do knots, over and over, until my hands ached. My fingers were already bleeding from pulling on the rope too tightly, and the rope was already breaking in two. I sighed loudly and wrapped a piece of cloth around my hand. I began to slowly calm down, but my worries were still in my head. Annie’s smiling face formed itself in my mind. “Annie... Don’t worry... I’ll save you, I swear...” I whispered. I could almost feel her sitting next to me. I could smell the scent of citrus her hair always had, and I could hear her laughter in my ears. The image overwhelmed me. I didn’t want to leave that place, I didn’t want to leave her. Her voice rang in my ears. “Finn, don’t go, stay here with me, we can stay here forever...” Her memory said. I shock my head as tears formed in my eyes. “I’m... I’m sorry, I’ll save you Annie, don’t give up on me...” I choked, and drifted back to reality. My cheeks were stained with dry tears and I felt exhausted. I fell back in the bed and fell asleep instantly. I would save her, I would get her back, I had to get her back...

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