Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I must've been around 9 or 10 when I first met Annie. It was a quiet summer afternoon, and District 4 was calm and quiet like usual. The hot summer air clashed with with the cool breezes that filled my lungs with the smell of salt and seaweed altogether. I was near a beach that I would go to when I needed time to think, got bored or, in this case, both. The sound of the waves clashing against the shoreline put my mind at total ease. I dug my feet in the sand as the familiarity of the scene before me overwhelmed me. Everything was quiet and sound, until it wasn't. My head shot forward and I opened my eyes in alarm. A woman's cries filled the air. "Somebody help her, my baby! She doesn't know how to swim! Please, anybody!" Before I could think properly, I got to my feet and shot straight into the water. As the waves crashed over me, I tried to make my way trough the murky waters. I raised above to get some air and saw a body splashing in the water, sinking. I kept swimming as hard and fast as I could. I went back up for air when I caught the body in my arms. I lifted it up and swam back to shore as fast as possible. My muscles were beginning to ache, but I pushed the thought aside as I made my way back to the shore. I dragged the body to the sand and collapsed next to it. I heard the faint footsteps and shrieks from the woman, and saw her ran to us with her long brown hair is a messed up bun. I realized for the first time that the person I had saved was a girl, about my age and I had the feeling I had seen her before; I also realized I was still holding her, her body close to mine in a protective manner. As I got a better view from the girl and her mother, I realized I had seen this girl before, she was the daughter of the net makers; she was also in my school, I had seen her in the hallways and class but had never talked to her. Her eyes were slightly open and she was shivering as if it was the middle of winter. "Thanks" she said in a faint mumble, more like a whisper and then closed her eyes; I got to see a glimpse of them, her breathtaking emerald green eyes before she closed them. That moment of that day, was the first time I had really gotten to see Annie Cresta...

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