Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I found myself staring at the sea. My thoughts were slowly leaving my brain, as if the wind was carrying them away. The sound of the waves drowned out all of the noise that was coming from the city hall. I sighed. This was my second day in District 4 since I had won the Hunger Games and become a victor. I wasn’t proud of that title, nor was I proud of what I had done in the games. Mental images started forming in my brain every time I thought about it. I pushed all thoughts aside and focused of the circular motion of the waves. I felt some footsteps behind me and my shoulders got tense. “Relax, it’s just me...” Said the familiar voice. Annie sat next to me and stared out at the sea. Her hair was longer, and the curls were a tangled mess. She also seemed older, but maybe that was only because I hadn’t seen her in weeks. She remained silent for awhile, concentrating on the sea and her eyes looked like the water when a storm was coming. “How can she bear sitting next to me?” I thought. I occasionally glanced at her and admired the way her hair was tossed behind her shoulders, and the way her eyes would change color depending on her mood. I felt at ease for a moment but then the soothing feeling left me. I shifted my gaze to the water once again, in hope that I could relax and forget everything. “Finn... What’s it like?” “I told you Annie, I don’t want to talk about the arena!” I said, surprised by my own sudden outburst. Ever since I’d gotten here, I had to pretend like the games had been a blast, when in reality, everybody knew they were the complete opposite. “No, not that...” Annie said shaking her head. “I meant swimming. What’s swimming like, Finn?” She asked and looked at me. Annie may have looked older, but when she looked at me, her face wore another expression. It was innocent and mystified. She looked like the little girl I had saved all those years ago. I thought for a moment thinking of a way to answer her. “Well... it’s effortless, weightless, and when you’re under it; it’s like the whole world disappears, except for the warmth of the water and the beat of your heart... It’s hard to explain...” I said, trying to find the right words to say. “Do you think you could show me?” She asked. “You want me to show you swimming?” I asked perplexed. I didn’t think the day would come when she would ask such a thing. “Correction, I want you to teach me swimming!” She said in her matter-of-fact tone, and held her chin up defiantly. “You did after all keep your end of the bargain, and ‘Annie Cresta doesn’t make promises she can’t keep’” She said in a mocking voice and I smiled a bit. “I don’t know Annie...” "Oh, c’mon Finn! Will you teach me how to swim? Or am I going to have to find a new teacher? I can just ask Tide.” She said pleadingly and I smiled. “Fine, I’ll do it, besides, I don’t think anyone else would be able to put up with you, not even Tide!” I said and she rolled her eyes at me. “Shut up!” She said and punched me playfully on the arm. “Well, what are you waiting for, c’mon!” I got up and offered her my hand, which she took. We made our way into the water, until the water reached our hips. Annie squeezed my hand in reassurance and I said “Hey, it’s fine.” I stood behind her and held out my arms. “Now, lean back, slowly. I need you to trust me.” I said. She closed her eyes and nodded. She slowly started to lean back and I caught her with my arms. I slowly put her body in the water and held her by her shoulders. Annie, still with her eyes closed giggled. “What is it?” I asked, confused. “Nothing, it’s just, I always thought swimming would be difficult, but this! This is as easy as breathing!” She said smiling. “Well technically you aren’t swimming, you’re just floating.” I said and she started to get up. “So what you’re saying is I’m a natural?” She asked with her eyebrow raised and her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and laughed “Yeah Annie, You’ve got as much skill as a piece of driftwood! If you wanna get to the next level, you’re gonna need lessons. I suggest we meet here at least 3 times a week.” I said. “So, what comes after driftwood?” She asked and I smirked a bit. “Dead fish.” I said and she stuck out her tongue in mocking disgust. “Well then, you better make that 5 times a week!” She said and splashed me with some water. I laughed and splashed her back. We continued to do this until both of us were dying of laughter, and I had forgotten everything that had happened the past few weeks, in fact, it was as if I had never left. Before she could splash me again, I took her hand and pulled her into a tight hug. “Thanks, Annie...” I whispered. My head rested on her hair, that was now dripping wet. “What for?” She asked in confusion, and still hugging her, I played with one of her curls. “...For being there for me, even when it seemed like everything was crashing down...” I whispered. She pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes. “Finnick, no matter how hard things get, I’m not leaving. That’s what friends are for.” She said and hugged me again. “And for the record, I’m glad you’re back Finn, I missed you.” She whispered against my chest. I smiled and dug my face in her hair. I knew there, that if it were up to me, I wouldn’t let her go...

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