Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I looked around the room, dozens of guards and nurses rushing into the infirmary. What was going on? Still trying to make some sense of things, I was knocked off my feet by a very annoyed nurse. “Shit!” I said, hitting my head hard on the steel corridor. I wondered what the hell could be happening that had caused so much commotion. Katniss had probably hit her head or something while training, and of course, they couldn’t afford to have their precious girl on fire get hurt. I bit back a smile as I got to my feet and followed the crowd. I had to admit Katniss wasn’t at all that bad, sure she was stubborn, and annoying, and irritable, but she wasn’t that bad. If Johanna would’ve given her the chance he knew they would’ve become fast friends... But Johanna wasn’t here... Annie... My thoughts drifted once again to her. 3 weeks had already passed and still no sign of them even being alive. I envied Katniss in that aspect, at least she could see Peeta on TV, at least she knew he was alive; me on the other hand, I didn’t even have the slightest idea on how Annie could be. “That is if she’s still alive...” Said a voice in the back of my head. I ignored the thought and kept walking. The corridor was full of people snickering and murmuring things at each other. “I think they’re here...” I heard one say. “Traitors! I can’t believe Coin would allow such a thing...” Said another one. I tried my best to get past them, but there were too many people blocking my path. I saw a girl with dark hair pulled into a single braid talking with some guy who was holding some type of machine gun. “Katniss! Hey! Over here! Hey Everdeen, I’m over here!” I yelled and waved my hands like crazy, finally catching Katniss’ attention. “Finnick! Hey people, make way, get out of the way! He’s trying to get trough! God!” She exclaimed and everyone made a little path, big enough for me to pass. I finally got to where Katniss and Gale were. “Oh, hi Finnick, you’re looking pretty good today.” Said Katniss. I was afraid I couldn’t say the same for her. Her face was very pale and she had huge bags under her eyes. She was also sickly thin now, and her hair looked like a rat’s nest that had been forced into a braid. “Don’t I always?” I said smirking, that got me an eye roll from Katniss and a half smile from Gale. I had to admit, I had seen better days, but at least I wasn’t as bad as I had been 2 weeks ago. “What’s with all the commotion around here? Why are there so many people out?” I asked with a frown, and Gale looked at me in astonishment. “You didn’t hear? Some guards were sent to the Capitol to get the other victors, they should be here any minute now” Said Gale in a cold tone. I had to try hard not to drop my jaw. If they had sent guard to get the other victors from the capitol then that meant... I couldn’t believe it. “Don’t get too happy, she might be dead for all we know...” Said the voice in the back of my head and I swallowed hard. “Did...Did they say who they found?” I asked carefully. Katniss eyed me wearily and shock her head. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I felt nauseous, like if I had just gotten off of a very bad boat ride. Any minute now I would find out weather she was dead or alive. We all remained silent for what seemed like hours before Gale murmured something into his earpiece. “They’re here...” He said and a red light started glowing from the entrance of the room, signaling that they had just arrived. Knots started forming in my stomach and  I felt as if my heart would come up my throat. The doors opened and I felt dizzy. I took quick breaths and calmed myself down. The first ones to come out were Enaboria and Johanna. Followed by some guards. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. “That couldn’t be it, could it?” I thought to myself. Then I saw her. She was wearing nothing more than a hospital gown. Her long brown hair was a tangled mess and here green eyes seemed disoriented. She was much paler and thinner than I remembered but I didn't care, to me, she was always beautiful. Our eyes met for half a second before both of us broke into a run. We clashed into each other, the way waves clashed into the shore. I hugged her fiercely and lifted her off her feet. She hugged me back with as much passion with the little strength she had left. We collapsed onto the steel wall and I kissed her cheeks that were now wet from her tears. “Sh... I’m here now, Annie, you don’t need to worry...” I whispered into her ear and then pressed my lips against hers. I channeled all my feelings into that one kiss. The worry, the relief, the love, all into one sweet kiss. She returned it with as much emotion as me and we broke away, only to have her fall into my arms once again. I hugged her tightly and buried my head in her shoulders. She cried and sobbed against my chest before taking a moment to breath. “I missed you Finnick...” She whispered into my ear. Her voice was weak and ruff, and her lips were dry. I hugged her even more tightly. “I’m here Annie, and this time I’m not going anywhere...” I said to her. I don’t know how long we stayed like this, clinging into one another hopelessly; like if we were only one person instead of two, I just know that I didn’t want to let her go. I could swear, that just like the way the sun sets onto the sea, we were one, unquestionable, undeniable, and most importantly, indivisible...

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