vega and charlie ☻ j.c.

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song - deja vu by post malone 


you had just moved in to a little apartment building in LA. you were still new and didn't know anyone in the building. you were unpacking one of your boxes when you heard a knock at your door. you looked through the peephole (lolz) and seen an attractive man about your age with a bandana on. you unlocked and opened the door. "hi, i'm jc.. i live right down the hall with my roommate kian and our cat and dog" he says looking in my apartment. "speaking of cat, she got loose and i can't find her." he says upset. "i'm y/n" i smiled reaching my hand out. 

"i just moved in, i'm new." you said allowing him access to see the empty apartment and boxes. "awe i see, i'm sorry for bothering you." he says scratching his neck. "if you're going to live here, you might get used to us." he says chuckling. "my roommate, kian, and i are youtubers. we were filming when vega got out of the apartment" he says. "i understand, i have a cat as well" you said. 

"her name is charlie. she's a rascal but i've had her for almost 6 years" i said giggling. as almost on cue charlie came up to the door and started rubbing on my legs. "she only shows me love when she's hungry and wants something" i say bending down to pick her up. "hi charlie" jc says petting her. i set her down on the floor and she prances away. "she's a brat." i giggle "she's spoiled". he smiles "vega is too" he smiled and then his face drops "oh shit vega!" he says remembering his reason for coming over. as if god was working miracles, jc's phone started ringing. "hello" he says. "you did? that's great" he smiles. he hangs up on the person and talks to me. "kian found her, how about later we meet up and i show you around?" he smiles "deal." i say. "okay, see you later?" he smiles "see ya" i smile back

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