break up ❁ j.c.

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song - hate u love u by olivia o'brien 

yes , not i hate you i love you with gnash , the version with just her.


jc's pov 

should i stay with her knowing that i had sex with another girl? should i end it? should i just tell her what i did and see if we can get over it? i can't keep secrets from her. it was currently 4 a.m. i haven't been able to sleep. i got drunk the other night and cheated on y/n. i know what i did was wrong. i just wasn't thinking. it's tuesday and y/n's off work tomorrow and i'm going to tell her then. i just pray it goes well. i decide to take a shower to try to get my mind off things. i walk in the bathroom and turn on the lights on. i groan at how bright it was and look at myself in the mirror. my eyes were red from crying and i had bags under my eyes. i turn on the shower and strip out of my clothes. the water runs over my body hitting every part of me. i wash my hair and body and then get out. i lay in bed and slowly fall asleep.

i woke up to my phone ringing, y/n's popped up. "hello?" i answered "babe, are you still asleep?" she says "it's 2 in the afternoon, i thought we were hanging out today?" she said laughing. "oh yeah, sorry just c'mon up, i'll go unlock the door" i say yawning. "okay, love you" i hung up before i could reply.  i do love her, she's my world. i just can't stand to say it back. i stand up and go unlock the door. i walk over to the fridge and get out a water and a yogurt. "jc?" y/n calls through the house. "in the kitchen" i reply taking a deep breathe. y/n walks in and looks at me "we need to talk" i say. "what's wrong?" she says her face feeling with fear and confusion. "do you remember the other night when i went out with the boys?" i said slowly. she nodded her head and continued listening. "yeah, jc you're scaring me is this a prank video?" she says trying to look for camera's. "we went to a club and got drunk" i said tearing up as the memories came flooding in. "i met a girl" i said taking a deep breathe . "and i slept with her" i said my voice going quiet.

y/n's pov
"and i slept with her" my heart stopped. you couldn't breathe. my world just stayed still. you couldn't cry ,think , run away. "y/n, please say something." jc said standing up and walking towards you. he went to hold your hand and everything snapped back into reality. he cheated on you. the boy you were in love with cheated on you. "don't touch me" you spat at jc. "please don't be like this" he pleads "i'm sorry" you stand up. "sorry doesn't always work" you said the tears kicking in. "the ONE thing i asked when we got together was to NEVER cheat on me" you said standing in disbelief. you're world is crashing. "I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY LIFE JC" you said screaming now. 

you couldn't help it. you smacked him in the face. "YOU HURT ME" you screamed. you pick the picture frame that he has of us on his table and throw it at a wall. "TWO YEARS?" you said screaming. "i hate you and never want to see you again." you said running out of the apartment. you ran and ran not really knowing where to go. the first thing that popped into your head was to call kian. he was like the big brother you never had. you take out my phone. "kian?" you said sniffling. "hey y/n, what's wrong?" kian asks "can i come over, please?" you said walking your car. "of course yeah" he said. you hung up the phone and started the car.

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