beautiful ❀ k.l.

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song - BLUE by zayn


as pinks and oranges spread across the sky signaling another day is over you stand in the arms of your lover you begin to realize how lucky you are. you go into deep thought about how blessed you are. you have a boyfriend that you're head over heals in love with , you woke up to a knew chance and day , you get to be living the life you dreamed of. "baby , are you listening?" kian says snapping you out of your thoughts "no doll , i'm sorry" you say blushing. "i said it's the perfect night , i'm standing on the rooftop with a beautiful sunset above me and a beautiful girl in my arms." he said,  proud of thinking of that. kian always tries making you feel loved by saying cute things or do cute gestures. 

"kian , you're such a geek." you said giggling and obviously joking. "i'm your geek and you're  my loser." you smiled looking up at him. he was looking out into the world. "the world never ends, we could get in the car and drive for hours finding new places" you say "wherever we go , i don't care as long as you'll be in my arms." you blushed , you've never felt so happy before. "i'm so in love with you" you say whispering in his ear. he smiled "you don't even know the half of it." as music quietly played in the back you swayed from side to side in his arms. "i want to take a picture of you in front of the sunset, so i can remember this day forever." you smiled as kian walked away so he could get more than just the back of your head. 

"3 - 2- 1-" he says as you threw your hands in the air feeling as if you were on top of the world. he smiled "god , you're perfect" he says walking up to you showing you the picture. 

"i think this deserves a special place" he says setting it as his lockscreen. "there, now no matter where i am, i can see you" you smiled and kissed his neck. 

kian and jc imagines (:Where stories live. Discover now