Chptr 6: His Offer. WTH?!?

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--Yerin’s POV—

At last, I arrived home but I still feel very mad at that Jonghyun. His confidence, It’s above ‘monster level’, or even beyond ‘God-like’. With that confidence, he’s not a human anymore.

How dare he accuse me of being his fangirl and telling me to become one. NEVER. Not even if I’m drunk or hallucinating.

Night came and still I’m feeling very pissed. My supposedly ‘GOOD DAY’ just turned into a total mess.

“You conceited pig, Kim Jonghyun!”, I unconsciously yelled.

“Did I hear it right? You just called Jonghyun’s name?”, YeonMi suddenly popped out in the living room. She just arrived from her date.

“That conceited monster. Tell you boyfriend I hate him. He took you on a date at a wrong time, that’s why I got to talk to that Jonghyun.”

“You talked? Really? Then what happened?”, She excitedly asked and made us sit on the sofa.

I told her everything that happened but her reaction was the total opposite of mine.

She seemed to be pleased on what happened and she even laughed after I finished telling her.

“What’s funy about that?”, I glared at her.

“Nothing. I just found that cute. You two are cute.”, she giggled.

“We’re cute? DUH, wake up! There’s nothing cute about it.”, I pushed her on the other side of the sofa.

“Oh wait. Remember? I told you that your attitude is like a fox?”, she said wide eyes like she had discovered something great.

“Yes… And how is it related to our topic?”, I looked at her weirdly.

“Jonghyun’s friends told ud that his dream girl is a Fox-like girl, right?”

“And you’re telling me that I might be his dream girl? Capital N – O. NO, NEVER. And I’m sure he’s considering Fox-like appearance more than attitude.”, I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, well. Maybe. I don’t really know what does a fox-like appearance look like.”, she said.

YeonMi opened her bag and was about to take something but she stopped when I started sneezing non-stop.

“Hey! *ACHUU*. What’s in your bag? *ACHUU*”, I covered my nose but I’m still sneezing. My nose is already as red as apple and my eyes are already in tears.

“OH! I’m so sorry Yerin. I forgot you’re allergic to flowers. Jingyoung gave me flowers earlier and I was about to show it to you.”

“STAY AWAY! Throw those flowers *ACHUU* away. I’m going to die of sneezing.”, I yelled and immediately ran inside my room.


The next morning, my eyes are still a bit swollen and my nose is red because of the flowers last night.

“Look at what those flowers have done, YeonMi. I looked like a crying red nose reindeer.”, I whined as we walk on our way to school.

“I’m really sorry. I really forgot that allergy of yours.”, she smiled and hugged me cutely while walking.

We arrived at our building and got to the floor where our classroom is, when I remembered something.

“Wait.”, I stopped and held YeonMi’s hand to stop her too.

“Every morning, we see jonghyun outside our classroom. I don’t want another burden for today.”, I explained.

She chuckled. “Why are you so affected of his presence? Let’s just go.”, she pulled me and we walked.

My SLY Fox [Jonghyun Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now