Chptr 11: FINALLY... A Nice Talk

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--Author’s POV—

Key is on their house, preparing to go to Yerin’s house.

This is the second and last weekend that they will be working on their project. So far, they are half way done and if they work on it together today, it will surely be finished before the submission tomorrow.

He is about to go out when he received a call from their dance trainer.

“Ne hyung?”, he said as soon as he pick up the call.

“Key. Sorry to disturb your weekend. I know we just finished our training yesterday but we really need to meet today.”


“Where going to perform in an event and it’s a sudden decision so we need to rush on practicing.”, their trainer explained.

“But hyung, I have something important to do today. Can’t we just move the practice?”, I asked worriedly.

“I’m really sorry to mess up your schedule for today but we really need to rush and we need you here. You know you’re the best dancer on our group.”

Key stopped for a while to think. He can’t leave the project to Yerin alone but he also can’t miss a training, the group needs him.

After a few seconds of thinking and considering, he sighed and talked again.

“Okay hyung. I’ll be there. I just need to fix some things.”

“Good. The practice will start in 30 minutes. Hurry.”, His instructor commanded then hung up.

After the call ended, Key hurriedly dialed Yerin’s number.

“Key oppa?”, Yerin answered on the other line.

“Yerin. We’ll be working on our project today, right?”, Key started.

“Yes. I already prepared the materials we’ll be needing. I’m just waiting for you.”

“I’m really sorry Yerin but something came up and I can’t go there now. My trainer just called me a few minutes ago telling me that we have to meet today.”, Key explained.

“Oh, is that so? It’s okay oppa. I understand that you’re busy. I can just do it myself.”, Yerin said but there’s no signs of sulking on her voice.

“No. You’re not going to make it alone. I’m going to send someone there to help you.”

“No oppa. It’s really fin—“

“I’m going to ask someone to help you. I’m just going to check who is available.”, Key insisted.

“Oppa… “, Yerin whined.

Key already got what Yerin is trying to say. He chuckled then continued talking.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to send Jonghyun there. I’ll try to find someone else.”

“Fine. I’ll wait here. Thanks oppa. Do well on your practice.”,Yerin said and giggled.

“Okay. Sorry again. Bye~”, He bid goodbye to Yerin and hung up.

--Jonghyun’s POV—

“Hyung, Key is going to Yerin’s house today, right?”, I looked at Onew hyung, sitting next to me on the couch, reading a book.

It’s just the two of us in our ‘headquarters’. The others were busy with their own works.

“Yeah. It’s weekend so they’ll probably be finishing their project today.”, Onew hyung answered, eyes still on his book.

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